Chapter 6 : Gone?

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After yesterday Justin got paranoid and took me to the hospital..I am about 4 to 5 weeks pregnant..Now don't get me wrong I'm freaking out on the inside but I have to remain calm in case there is a baby.In case..a few weeks ago I wasn't even close to worrying about this, now I am in a cold hospital room watching tv worrying,hoping, and praying there is still a baby inside of me.It can happen to anyone, even that person who has all A's and never gets in trouble.Justin wasn't allowed in my hospital room yet, because it could cause me stress. No one has come in except my doctor and the nurse. I heard a knock at the door.

"Hey..I just wanted to let you know we are going to take you to get your Ultrasound in a little bit if your baby is still in there we should be able to see it."

I shook my head. I have gone completely mute since yesterday. No matter if my mom was talking to me, or if Justin was talking to me I just wouldn't say anything.They brought the Ultrasound equpiment in my room and plugged it in.

Justin's P.O.V.

"Is Justin Bieber's mystery girl 'Julie Conaran' pregnant? If she is, is her baby okay? Yesterday she took a bad punch to the stomach from a disrespectful paparazzo. We hae gotta reports she was rushed to the hospital today. Is she okay? How is Justin taking it? Julie we really hope you are okay."

"I wish they would just leave us alone...No matter if they are nice or not..."

I was stuck watching tv while Julie was in a hospital room. God I am so worried about her.

"Justin! Is she okay have you heard anything?" 

"No..not yet. The doctor said they were just now giving her the ultrasound."

"Oh my...I hope her and the baby are okay"

"Don't worry Mrs.Conaran Julie and the baby are gonna be fine. If you haven't noticed Julie is tough."

"Yes but no matter how tough she is she may not be tough enough this time."

silence over came us. I found myself pacing around the room. 

Julie's P.O.V.

I felt the cold gel on my stomach.I watched as he searched for my baby. I hoped for the best but the other part of me knew there was a chance my baby was gone.

"Well your baby is--"

Justin's P.O.V.

"Please be okay....Please.."

"Well I have some news for you Mr. Bieber"

The doctor shook my hand and I smiled 

"The baby is perfectly fine. I would recommend she started taking her prenatal  vitamins. Watch what she eats, and make sure she eats enough."

"Thank you so much. When can I see her?"

"Right now. She hasn't been saying anything I would try to get her to talk."

"I will thank you so  much."

I looked over at Julie's mom, who was in tears, She smiled at me and hugged me.I could tell this was not even close to being easy for her. 


"Justin." she faintly said it, but I could hear her even if she barely even breathed it.I could tell she had been crying.I walked over to her bed and cuddled her and kissed her passionatly. 

"I love you. Don't worry everything is gonna be alright."

AUTHOR'S NOTE (: OMFG that took forever for me to write.don't forget to comment and favorite (: Love ya'll <3

P.S. the photo over there is a picture of how big Julie should be.

~Cheyenne <3

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