Chapter 12: The Dream

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Julie's P.O.V.

"Do you know Justin Bieber?"


"Do you know a Jason McCann?"

I scrunched my nose up.

"I've heard of him,I don't know him...."

"Is it true your carrying Justin's baby?"


"Answer the question..."


I can't breathe...Why can't I breathe?


Pitch black...


"Anybody there?"

"Where am I?"

I was running,from what though?

"I want to go home! I want Justin back!"

I dropped on my knees and started crying.

"I didn't even find out if it was a boy or girl.."

I kissed my fingers and placed them on my stomach. 

hey this is a kinda side note I guess....But um this is in her dreams in case you got confused.okay..BOOM GONE.....XD

Justin's P.O.V. 

"I don't know him! I didn't do anything either!" 

~Knock Knock~

"Come in." 

A lady dressed in black walked in. 

"Can I talk to you outside it's about Ms.Conaran."


"Mr.Bieber calm down."

"I need to see her."

"If you don't calm down I will keep you over night."


he stepped outside the door.

it felt like hours before he came back,but it was only 10 minutes.

"Your dismissed..Julie is in the Emergency room, I will set up another time to talk to you."


Fucking finally.Wait...Julie is in the Emergency room....The baby.....

Julie's P.O.V. 


"I'm so sorry!" 

I was still running..It was like someone was coming after me.

"Julie where are you going you little slut?"

I stopped  dead in my tracks. 


"Yes.You thought you could escape me in reality, but you can't.So run bitch."

"No you don't own me.I am not scared of you."

"Fine.but just to let you know your baby is gone."


And just like that I was awake



I didn't care at this point all I wanted to do was see him.His tender lips connected with mine.

"Justin,I think I lost the baby..."

"I know, I heard you, You were talking about it in your sleep."

"I was?"


"I'm so sorry! I promise it wasn't my fault!"

"It's fine."

"Selena attacked me,I didn't know she was gonna do that."

"Babe your still pregnant."


"The doctor told me."


"Why did you think you lost the baby?"

"I had a dream....Selena was running after me.."

Tears started flowing from my eyes.

"And when I stopped she told me I lost the baby..."

I was drowning in my own tears.I just wanted this to be over.Justin looked at me and smiled.He then grabbed me and held me.

"Everything's gonna be alright" 

He sang while slowly rocking me in his arms.He kissed my tears and looked in my eyes.For awhile I thought he was dead, but he was just looking at my eyes.

"Your eyes are the most beautiful things I have ever seen,I could look at them all day." 

I grinned. 

"I love you Julie."

"I love you Justin." 

He made me get those butterflies.If you only knew how much I love those butterflies.For the rest of the day he layed in my bed,holding me,whispering in my ear, and on a few occasions I would catch him starring. 

~Author's Note~

do you guys have that one guy/girl who makes you feel special? I do ^.^ We have been together for about two months,It will be exactly two months tomorrow *Wednesday* And oh god how many times I stare in his eyes and smile, because I know he's mine.I feel like....He could be the one. ~Alright enough of that... We need a shipping name for Justin and Julie....

#Julstin? or #Julitin? vote. or coment your ideas! (: You guys need to be appart of this after all without you guys Justin and Julie wouldn't exist. well Justin would but Julie and him together wouldn't so yeah give me some feedback.

Comment,vote,and follow me if you haven't already. Love Ya'll 

~Cheyenne <3 

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