Chapter 2 : I need you

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"Justin Bieber's mystery girl pregnant?!? Last time when we--

I changed the channel....I was all over the news. I was being called "Mystery girl" and other names I never thought I would ever be called.And whats even worse is Justin was the one under a lot of stress as it turns out someone took a video of me throwing up on the paparazzi. Scooter didn't think it was bad until he saw the second half when they asked if I was pregnant...I took 5 pregnancy tests and a clinic test. I was supposed to be getting the answers today.

"Babe I'm sorry..You shouldn't be getting trashed like that."

"No it's fine as long as they aren't targeting you." 

"No it's not I don't like--

He was interrupted by Selena's voice

"I honestly think it's just a rumour. I know for a fact he wouldn't get her pregnant. He's way smarter than that and he can't handle a commitment. I know from experience" 




"She was helping us in a way"

"Oh yeah"

~There's gonna be one less lonely girl~

My phone rang and One Less Lonely girl started playing. I picked it up and answered it.

"Hello? is this Julie Conaran?"

"Yes. This is she"

"Well I just wanted to let you know the news.....You are pregnant! congrats!"

I was frozen. I don't understand how this could've happened. We used protection I mean at least I did I used birth control like a mother fucker. I don't know about Justin but I was sure that he did.


"Yeah? what's wrong?"

"I'm.....I'm pregnant."


"Justin? Are you okay?"

I have an abandonment issue...My biological father left the day I was born and my mom re-married 2 years after that. My step dad and I are close.Justin and my step dad are like father and son although I rather not think about that....Anyways I didn't want that life for my baby I wanted a different life and I needed to know if Justin was going to be appart of this or not.

"I forgot to use a condom.."


"I forgot to use a condom and I just now remembered to tell you..."

"Justin condoms don't provent pregnancy I could've been pregnant but just now realized it."

"I know..But I just can't deal with this right now! Scooter is going to kill me and it's all my fault I didn't even want a baby! "


"No. I can't...I can't take care of a baby I am not ready.."

"Justin I need you! please don't go!"

It was too late....he was gone.. just like that...I can't go through this by myself. I instantley curled up into a ball and started crying.He was gone when I needed him the most.

Author's Note!!! so that was a drama packed chapter !! Thanks to everyone who voted and commented I really appreciate it! Thanks to the people who read this. I think people like this more than my other fan-fic. So comment and vote please!

P.s. What do you think will happen with Justin and Julie? Oh yeah btw who thinks Justin and Julie should have a twitter or instagram? of course I will ask you the fans to make it but you know you will have to inbox me and we can go over the details. 

~Cheyenne <3

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