Chapter 22: Finale

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Julie's p.o.v.
Everything stopped in front of me.
Like every movie there was a flash of light, I had my time on this earth, I had my fair share of mistakes. it was fun, I found my one true love, and God was I blessed to love him.
But I wasn't ready.
I'm not gonna lie the fight was the hardest battle I've ever had, it was the worst but it was worth it.
My babies ,they were worth it.
Justin's P.O.V.
"Paging Doctor Garner to room 471"
I ran to her room, I ran and ran.
I was crying so hard I couldn't breathe.
Her eyes rolled back, she was shaking and foaming at the mouth.
"Julie, listen to me you can't die think of everyone, you have twins! You have a newborn sister,please you have me! I love you baby, please stay with me!"
I was crying hysterically.
"Excuse me sir we need you to leave."
I just looked at the doctors and nurses .
"No, dammit that is my fiancé I've been through hell and back and you're gonna let me stay dammit!"
They all just looked at each other and waved for me to sit down next to her.
Julie's P.O.V.
See the thing I realized a while ago is no matter who you love or who you want to love you, is they will leave a mark on you, they will scar you and hurt you. You never have a choice on the matter, you might think you do but you dont. I thought I could fight. I thought I could live but the truth is, we are not guaranteed that fairytale happy ending, we are not guaranteed another day not even another second.
So I decided to let go.
I love you very much Justin, this isn't the end, we will be together again my love.
Justin's P.O.V.
And there it was again. the flatline sound.
They turned and looked at me, they had done everything.
I shook my head.
"No ! Bring her back!"
I cried louder, I screamed.
They tried one last time and it didn't work. for the rest of that day I cried I didn't leave her.
I had to call her parents and everybody and tell them.
That wasn't even the hardest part.
I constantly blamed myself for getting her pregnant.
I constantly blamed myself for letting her die.
I constantly blamed myself for even letting myself love her.
I was officially broken to pieces.
My light burned out.

What have I done :C

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