An Alternate End

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Justin's P.O.V.
I ran to the room, I opened the door and there Julie was.
"Justin, I love you."
She was fine I looked at the door, 470.
I misread the door number.
Of course.
"I can leave either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."
I nodded, I walked to the chair next to her and grabbed her hand, I kissed her hand then I kissed her.
"You will never leave me you understand."
She looked at me and nodded fast.
"Justin, the babies, they are beautiful."
"Yes I know they look like you."
She smiled, for the rest of the day I was either with her or with our babies.
The next day they placed Ariel in the regular nursery with Aiden, they said she did amazing and that it was safe to take her out of the ICU.
Everything bad that had happened was returning back to normal, it was as if nothing bad had ever happened.
The next day all three of us went home, of course I made Julie rest and I did all the work because I knew she had been through way too much and I wasn't gonna put her through more, Aiden and Ariel they were beautiful.
I love you both.
I present to you a happier ending, I got the sudden idea to create two sequels, one for the tragic ending and one for this happy ending, I mean you don't have to read them but I figured why not.
And I want to thank all of you who have read this,
I intend to write plenty more.
I'm gonna miss writing this story.
But I'm gonna love writing the sequel even more

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