Chapter 5 : One last chance?

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I sat down with Samson and Justin

went to order me some caffeine.

"Look at you Jay. your so beautiful

and grown."

I half smiled at him. my emotions were so out of control.

"Why do you even want to meet me?"

Justin sat down next to me and stared at "my dad"

"I wanted to see you. and apologise. I only left because I was......overwhelmed."

he was overwhelmed!??! with what!?! sticking his saggy tiny dick in a prostitutes vagina!!?

"You must be Justin. Justin Bieber."

Justin hesitatey shook his hand, while my dad was grinning up a


"Yes I am, and it is nice to meet


"I have to use the bathroom....."

I got up and walked to the


Justin's P.O.V

"So how long have you two been together?"

"um...quite a while now. I don't exactly know how long ,but Julie knows."

"she doesn't wanna be here does she?"

I shook my head. I didn't wanna lie to him, I mean don't get me wrong he's a nice dude but he abandoned her before she was even born. he didn't even give her

a chance.

Julie's P.O.V.

I walked into the biggest stall and put the toilet seat down so I could sit down. I didn't have to really use the bathroom I just needed to think.

"I was overwhelmed" replayed in my head. overwhelmed with what? soon someone knocked on the stall door.

"uh give me a minute!"


I paused......that voice.

I flushed the toilet to make it seem like I was using it, and I walked out.


"well..... didn't expect to see Justin's slut here."

"I may be a slut but at least I'm his girlfriend."

"Burn in hell bitch. he is mine he always has and always will."

she smacked me. it stung so bad I crunched my nose up.

"its funny cause that's not what he said when he was screaming my name last night."

"Uh you whore!"

I slammed her head against the bathroom stall, and shoved her in it.

"he's mine bitch!"

"die in a hole..."

I walked out of the bathroom and sat down.

"I want nothing to do with you. understand? you may have been overwhelmed but it gave you mo right to leave me."

"I wasn't ready. and when I was your mom wouldn't let me see you. "

"good. I am gonna tell you something. I am pregnant and Justin isn't gonna leave me. I am not ready he isn't ready but we are getting through it together."


"yeah...You panesy. take up for your mistakes and maybe ill be nicer."

"Julie let me make it up to you! I can be the father I never was!"

"I don't need you. I don't want you. I have a father who loves me."

"I said I was sorry what else do you want?"

"19 years worth of apologies"

I got up and walked out the door. Justin and Samson trailed behind.

"Justin! over here Justin! is it true and is pregnant?"

"what's her name?"

one of the paparazzi grabbed my arm.

"let go! let go of me!"

Samson started barking, and Justin put him in the car


He punched me in the stomach and I fell to the ground.

"What the hell man?!?"

Justin charged towards the paparazzi.

"get away! go get out of here!"

he helped me up and kissed me.

"sorry babe I was trying to get him to let go but he wouldn't."

he picked me up and put me in the passenger seat.

"Cause all... I need is a beauty and a beat who can complete"

we got home quicker than I expected I got out of the car and slowly got inside my stomach was hurting....I was having craps. when we got inside Justin layed me down on the couch.

"honey you okay?"

author's note sorry if there are phone sucks.

~Cheyenne <3

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