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As usual in Jacksonville University everything is calm.

Couple walking here and there together.

While single girls would be walking, sitting there, same goes for single boy.

Class were starting, teacher were entering to each respective class as well as all of those students.

Everything is so calm, quiet and nice to see.

Guards and those some teacher who were their turn to roam around the campus to check were walking, looking deep to make sure everything is perfect just like usual.

Now the second year students were in their lecture hall.

Everyone sat at their places, taking out their notes, some started reading while some were chit chatting in a very low voice

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Everyone sat at their places, taking out their notes, some started reading while some were chit chatting in a very low voice.

Taehyung and Jisoo also have the same schedule as except for their additional class.

Same goes with everyone, in this class Everyone have the same schedule except for their additional subject.

Taehyung were sat with both Jungkook and Jimin at the right side of the row in 5th column where Jisoo were sat with Tzuyu at the middle row in the 3rd column.

Soon there, enter school top professor, in her professional way.

Wearing pink suit, a black top beneath the pink blazer.

A small necklace were on her neck, walking professional yet with a smiling face.

A small necklace were on her neck, walking professional yet with a smiling face

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