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There stood a man who looks like a little years older than them.

Professor and teachers walk up to the man and they talk for a while.

They wonder who would he be as teachers and Professor were respecting the man.

Looking more up closely they realize it is non other than their senior who graduate four years ago before them.

Who is now pursuing his dream.

It was their senior Jung Hae-In.

A man who received lots of loves from everyone because of his well intelligent and creative mind with a cheerful down to earth nature.

Who graduated from agricultural faculty.

Who graduated from agricultural faculty

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They all went inside and do a assembly like introducing a little about why they came here.

Mr.Lee speak gaining all the students attention,

"Listen guys, this is your senior Jung Hae-in and you might have already known it.

In this tour he will be also here enjoying with you guys.

You all will be going around the place here and enjoy the beauty of nature.

You can use all your gadget, and electronics devices as you all need them to take photos, video and all.

But I want to remind you all that your priority in these days will be enjoying the beauty of nature.

This is camp will be memorable to you all.

Also don't use your gadgets all the time playing games.

And I know you won't do it guys."

Mr. Lee look at them smiling, "Yes,"

all student shouted excitedly as this is all new to them to enjoy the days in beauty of nature unlike when they were at Seoul.

"So, I hope you all will be comfortable with me just like your friends!"

Said Jung Hae-In looking at them smiling.

Girls started to talk how handsome their senior is.

"Sir, " One student raise his hands asking Question.

"Yes, anything you wanna say?" Said by Park Minyoung looking at the student.

"About the room we gonna will it..." before the student could finish Minyoung cut him off.

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