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Seokjin continue looking around at the hall, "Thank you everyone!

Thank you Jisoo for this beautiful present you gave me.

I just want to say that I have my Younger Sister, our princess.

For the information it won't take much time to announce.

And thanks to Mr.Kim Sohyun, Dad for not arranging any reporter.

And here the some photographers, we don't need to worry about disclosing this news to everyone.

So let's just go into my Birthday Party."

After saying this Seokjin give the mic to their Steward, Lucas who is been near the stage.

Jisoo's look is no joke to everyone.

While they were posing for a family picture before the camera Seokjin wishper to her

"Pumpkin don't try to steal my spotlight, I'm a birthday boy, so don't try to." Seokjin said looking at her as if he is serious.

Jisoo look at her brother teasingly, "You admit that I will take the spotlight!"

Seokjin was about to confront but Sohyun speak, "Keep your bickering for later."

Seokjin and Jisoo stop their bickering and start to poss for the picture.

Sohyun and JiSeo look at each other and their two childish son and daughter chuckling.

Seokjin ànd his family cut the cake with everyone wishing him birthday.

Seokjin ànd his family cut the cake with everyone wishing him birthday

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People were wishing and giving him gifts for the birthday.

Seokjin is so much happy that day.

He got the most memorable and expensive gift which is very precious.

And that gift is Jisoo.

He still feel unreal remembering the talk and the gift about it.

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