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Jisoo woke the next morning up early and there she saw, Tzuyu sleeping hugging her tightly.

Jisoo smile at that.

They choose this room and now yesterday.

Jisoo smile and she shake Tzuyu arms, "Tzu tzu wake up

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Jisoo smile and she shake Tzuyu arms, "Tzu tzu wake up... we have to wake today early."

Tzuyu is a light sleeper so she woke up.

There she saw Jisoo, smiling at her, "Tzu wake up we have to prepared early I'm so excited for today."

Just hearing by Jisoo's voice Tzuyu could tell how excited Jisoo must be feeling at that moment.

"You seem so excited! even though it's a little bit too early but I'm  going to wake up for you rabbit."

Tzuyu said as she woke up from the bed and there Jisoo is giggling at Tzuyu and made the bed in proper way.

Actually, Jisoo is not a morning person to be exact.

But today she feels too exited about the nature she were going to face and do things today.

Above all of that, she is more excited and happy thinking that she will be spending her time with a specific person.

She remember yesterday's few moment and there a punk shade of color came at her cheek.

She is there smiling foolishly with the thoughts.

She is there smiling foolishly with the thoughts

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They all were going which looks like a wood but it actually it's  not.

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