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Surprise everyone😊

Are you guys happy?



The next very day everyone went back to seoul.

But something happen last night....


When Taehyung told Jungkook that they found Jisoo.

He called jimin and report all, everyone that Taehyung has already been found Jisoo.

Just then Anna and Jungkook were on the way back.

But suddenly Anna stopped walking which follow by Jungkook.

There he saw how nervous she was looking so Jungkook asked her worriedly,

"Is everything okay Anna? What happen?"

Anna Just stay quiet and she said a word which feels like a bomb has been place to Jungkook's head.

"Jungkook I like you... no... I love you.."

When Anna looked At Jung she saw his face looking stunned.

She continue, "I know it is wrong but I have been I love with you for two years.

I tried to move on but I can't.

I have done everything to stop this feeling but I couldn't.

I couldn't hold back anymore.

I really love you Jungkook.

It's  okay if you don't love me back, I......"

Before Anna could Finished her sentence Jungkook cut her off.

"Who told you to try to forget thinking about me.

Who told you to stop loving me Anna.

Who gave the permission to?"

At that Anna looked at Jungkook confusingly as didn't get what he is meant all by these.

"What do you mean?"

"Stupid! I also love you for a long time.

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