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'I am pretty sure the owner is the middle-aged woman, not a young woman. Is she a part-timer? Or my record is wrong? No way...'

Cale just standing there without moving while facing the lady. The lady just smiled at him warmly. Cale inspected her. She is a young lady around 20 years old or maybe younger with ash brown flowy hair and bright silver eyes.

"Um, my apologies. As it's almost closing time, we just have a few desserts and bread left. Is it alright with you or do you have something you wish to buy specifically?"

The lady opened her mouth with an apologetic expression.

"You don't need to apologize. It's my fault for coming late. I heard there is a famous new dessert this bakery is selling...what was the name again?"

Cale playing dumb as he just wants a confirmation. Is it really 'hotteok' that he knows? The lady in front of him doesn't look Korean to me. Is she the same as him, a transmigrator?

"Ah. It's hotteok. I gave that name because it makes a sound like that while I am cooking it."

"Ah, I see."

'That's a plausible reason. Is she not?'

"You are lucky. We got 2 pieces left. Would you like me to packet it for you or you like to eat here? As you can see, there's no one here. You can take your time as I am cleaning up the bakery."

"I will eat here."

"All right. Please have a seat. I will bring them to you."

The lady went into her kitchen while Cale went to the most corner seat as he doesn't want to be recognized from the outside. After the war, his popularity is rising and it's troublesome to him. On his way to this bakery, he could hear the children sing a song about 'Young Master Silver Shield'.

"How can they not forget? Haaa..."

Cale is mumbling quietly while looking around. It's really nice. It's an ideal place to read a book. Unfortunately, there is no book in this place. If there are books and coffee, it will be a book cafe and maybe could rival with 'The Fragrance of Tea with Poetry' tea shop which belongs to Billos, the head of Flynn Merchant Guild.

His thought got interrupted while thinking about the potential of this bakery. He could hear the young lady's voice.

"Sorry for the waiting. Here you go."

Cale widened his eyes while looking at the famous hot item. It looks simple but for him, it's the nostalgic view. There is a wistful smile on his smile that the lady can't see because he's wearing the hood.

'It's really hotteok.' 

He also noticed something else on his table. A mug of hot chocolate drink. He looked up to see the lady. The lady smiled and parted her lips.

"It's my treat. It's cold outside, I hope it will help you to warm up your body."

"Thank you."

Cale sincerely thanked the lady. After that, he lowered down his hood and look at the widened pair of silver eyes. Red-haired. How could she not recognize this person in front of her?

"...Oh my. Young Master Cale-nim. It's an honor for me to have you in this humble bakery."

The ash brown hair lady immediately bows her head towards Cale.

"Please be at ease. I just wish to have a taste of the famous dessert of our territory."

The lady looked up to see Cale's gentle smile. The lady straightened up her body and returned the smile.

"Please take your time, young master-nim. If you would like something else, please call me. I am just going to clean up the bakery."


The lady bows again before she went to the counter to tidy up the things. Cale was looking at her for a moment. Her behavior changed a bit once he revealed his identity but it's not overbearing. She just being respectful to him enough as an ordinary young master. Not as hero people regard him.

"It's nice."

Then, he has a bite of hotteok.


Cale hums satisfyingly.

'It's really the same. It's really hotteok.'

He could taste delicious texture, from the chewy dough with a fried crispness on the outside to the chopped walnuts in the syrup, which will make him keep wanting more. How unfortunate there are only two pieces.

He finished up his hot chocolate drink before getting up from the seat. The lady noticed he got up and went in his direction.

"I hope you are having a good time, young master-nim."

"I am. It's really delicious."

"Thank you for the compliment."


The lady widened her silver eyes again when she looked at what Cale gave to her. A gold coin. A gold coin can cost more than 30 pieces of hotteok.

"Young mas-"

Cale put up his palm to prevent she continues what's she's gonna said.

"I am really satisfied and have a really good time after a long time. You deserve it."

Cale smiles gratefully at her. Cale made a hypothesis, the lady in front of him maybe be the same as him or she just happened to make hotteok. Either way, Cale, no Kim Rok Soo grateful to her to make it. 

It's a really nice memory for him.

"I will visit again next time. Around this time I guess. I hope you don't mind it."

The lady nodded her head.

"Of course, young master-nim. Sunshine Bakery will always welcome you."

"Okay. See you next time."

The lady bows her head once and smiles at him warmly. Then Cale turns his body away and holds the doorknob.

"See you again..."

He could hear the lady's voice from his behind. Before he could twist the doorknob, his hand flinched.

"...Team Leader Kim."

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