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In the corner of Henituse Territory, where the grandeur of the city slowly faded into obscurity, lay the slums.

A place where shadows cast long and darkness seemed to hold dominion, the slums were a stark contrast to the more prosperous parts of Rain City. 

The narrow, winding alleyways were dimly lit by the occasional flickering lantern, and the air was heavy with the scent of dampness and decay.

Dimly lit alleys wound through this area, casting long, eerie shadows as the setting sun disappeared below the horizon. 

The cobblestone streets were uneven and worn, and the buildings leaned precariously over the narrow walkways.

Amidst the desolation, the soft murmur of two young voices could be heard, a bickering exchange that seemed to cut through the darkness.

"Raisa, do you have any idea how dangerous it is to walk around this area alone at night?"

"I can take care of myself, Cale. Besides, I know these streets well. This is not my first time here."

One of them was Cale Henituse, his features etched with a mix of frustration and concern.

His voice was a low, urgent whisper, emphasizing the danger of the situation.

Hearing it was not once she was wandering in this dangerous part of the area,  his brow furrowed tightly in the dim light

Raisa, on the other hand, wore an expression of determination and perhaps a hint of defiance. 

Her silver eyes, usually calm and composed, now held a spark of fire. 

She was not one to be easily cowed, even in the face of the redhead's stern admonishments.

Unbeknownst to them, a third figure followed closely behind, observing their interaction with keen interest.

Duchess Violan also noticed his son clasped the young lady's hand as he reprimanded her for her recklessness.

The young lady seemed unapologetic but also understanding of Cale's worries.

The dynamics between Cale and Raisa were intriguing, and she couldn't help but wonder about the depths of their relationship.

All three of them were shrouded in concealing robes, their true identities masked from the prying eyes of the slum's inhabitants.

As the three of them ventured deeper into the slums, Duchess Violan's expression darkened further. 

She had known that there were impoverished areas within her territory, but witnessing the living conditions and the struggles of the people firsthand was a stark revelation.

This was her territory, her responsibility, and yet she hadn't been fully aware of the dire conditions in which some of her citizens lived. 

The sight of poverty, dilapidated homes, and struggling families weighed heavily on her heart.

The Duchess observed the dilapidated buildings, makeshift shelters, and the hushed conversations of residents as they passed. 

It was a side of her land she had not expected to witness.

Raisa led the way, her familiarity with the area evident as she easily navigated the labyrinthine alleyways. 

She had promised to introduce the Duchess to a young, talented potter.

Duchess Violan had not anticipated finding such talent hidden away in these slums.

As they walked along the dark route, Raisa engaged Cale in conversation, her voice a soft undercurrent in the night.

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