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In the enchanting atmosphere of the bakery, adorned with its unique interior, a young man and a young lady found themselves exploring the delightful surroundings.

Basen and Lily stood in awe, their eyes wandering around the cozy interior of the bakery.

The aroma of freshly baked goods filled the air, and the shelves displayed an array of mouthwatering pastries.

They marveled at the intricate details of the decor, from the delicate lace curtains to the warm, inviting colors that adorned the walls.

Lost in their admiration, Basen and Lily were brought back to reality when Raisa approached them with a gentle smile.

"Come, young lord and young lady. Let me show you to your seats."

She gestured towards a table by the window.

They followed Raisa, their steps light and filled with curiosity.

The young man couldn't help but notice Raisa's care and dedication to every detail of the bakery.

The delicate arrangements of flowers on the tables, the neatly arranged pastries on the display counter—it was evident that the lady poured her heart into creating an inviting atmosphere for her customers.

As they settled into their seats, Raisa excused herself to get refreshments for the siblings.

Silence descended in the room for a moment as soon as the lady baker left.

A hint of awkwardness filled the air between the two siblings as their gazes met.

The brother, Basen, broke the silence, his voice carrying a mix of surprise and inquiry.

He asked as his eyes locked on his little sister.

"How come you're here?"

"...I overheard from Cale Orabeoni. How about you, Orabeoni?"

"...Same reason."

Lily, the younger sister, returned his gaze.

Basen nodded, a stiff smile playing on his lips.

He confessed, realizing that they were both driven by their shared curiosity.

The realization eased the tension in the air, forging a connection between the siblings.

Raisa, coming out from the kitchen, heard their short conversation and could gather the situation regarding the Henituse siblings.

With a warm smile, she served the young master and the young lady with two cups of lemon tea, a special tea given by Ron as a gift for her.

Alongside the tea, she placed the famous Sunshine Bakery confectioneries on the table.

"Young Lord Basen, Young Lady Lily, it is truly an honor to have both of you here at my humble bakery. Out of all the bakeries in Henituse Territory, you chose to visit mine. May I ask how you came to know about this place?"

Feigned ignorance, Raisa asked the youngsters gently.

The siblings flinched slightly, their guilt was evident as they glanced down.

She continued, playfully teasing them.

"Ah, could it be that you heard about it from Young Master Cale? Does he know that both of his siblings have come here today?"

When Raisa mentioned their brother's name, a subtle change came over Basen and Lily.

Their movements halted for a brief moment as they looked up at Raisa, their eyes twinkling with curiosity.

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