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Cale who just left the bakery called by his siblings who were waiting for him with the average 10-year-old children.

Apparently, he's been standing in front of the entrance door for quite a while which makes Basen and Lily call out to him.

The redhead young master held his forehead to pull himself together.

"Sorry, I was out of my mind for a moment. Let's go home."

The youngsters followed behind him obediently.

As they walked together on the way back home, the atmosphere was serene, the moon gently illuminating their path.

Cale, Basen, Lily, and the three children formed a small group, their footsteps echoing softly against the cobbled streets.

Cale's mind was still filled with the memories of the evening spent at the bakery.

The revelation about the original Raisa is a bit surprising for him like how he knew about 'Cale Henituse'.

However, it doesn't alleviate his worry about Jung Yeon Hwa's safety at all.

She's in a situation where her soul is unstable in that body.

If he could, he's going to drag the unknown goddess to explain or to do something about this situation.

His last resort is to meet World Tree.

His hand instinctively rubbed the back of his neck and decided to divert his mind to his siblings about their sudden visit to the bakery.

"So, how did you two end up at the bakery today? Did you just happen to find it, or did someone tell you about it?"

Basen and Lily exchanged a glance, hesitating for a moment before the brother spoke up.

"Well, actually, we overheard your conversation with the children this morning. We didn't mean to eavesdrop, but we couldn't help it. They were talking about a lady named Raisa, and we got curious."

Cale's eyebrows raised in surprise.

He hadn't expected that his siblings would overhear his conversation with the children.

He wondered what they thought about it.

"I see."

Cale replied, trying to keep his tone light.

"and what did you think about her?"

Basen looked at the side face of his respected brother with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"She is a kind and caring person. She's also amazing that she can understand us very well."

Lily chimed in with more compliments to Rasia.

"And she's really good at baking too! Her cookies were wonderful!"

Cale couldn't help but smile at his siblings' reactions.

He was glad that they had a positive impression of Raisa and that they seemed to enjoy their time at the bakery.

"That's good. I am glad you like her."

Then, Basen and Lily stood before their older brother, their faces tense with worry.

They hesitate to voice their request but their fondness for Raisa pushes them to face Cale.

Lily nudged her second brother to speak up.

"Hyung-nim...Can we continue to meet Raisa?"

Cale gazed at his younger brother and sister, who were anxiously waiting for his response silently.

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