Puzzle City

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Puzzle City was known as the city disowned by the gods.

It was also famous for its ancient ruins with a lot of rock towers.

The meaning behind the rock towers is related to why this city fell out of the grace of a god.

Building rock towers seemed to have been an act of worship to reach out to the god that had abandoned them.

However, none of the prayers went through.

That is why the Puzzle City does not have a single temple.

Anyways, they have rock towers instead of temples.

The rock towers represent a promise that the people made after all of that.

It was a promise between the people, as well as a promise to themselves.

The promise is regarded as a human who has had their wish granted will destroy their rock tower.

Since they were abandoned by their god, they needed to achieve everything with their strength.

The act of destroying their rock tower represents, 'overcoming the odds.'

The rock towers are not created to seek help from a god.

It is more of a representation of their own determination.

This unique tradition was more apparent during the battle against Lion Dragon.

Numerous rocks of all shapes and sizes started to float up and cover the sky above Puzzle City.

It was a barrier, a shield protecting the city using those rocks that people stacked with different goals and aspirations on their minds that share the same faith at that moment for the future where everyone survives.

Since the victory of this battle, Puzzle City gained a new nickname that replaced 'the city abandoned by the gods' with the miracle city.

To celebrate the blessed occasion, the Puzzle City Mayor decided to arrange a special festival.

Puzzle City was now alive with the vibrant and joyful atmosphere of an ongoing festival.

The city streets were adorned with colorful banners and intricate decorations, creating a lively and celebratory ambiance that filled the air with excitement.

Laughter and chatter echoed through the streets as vendors set up stalls, offering a variety of delectable treats, unique crafts, and vibrant trinkets.

The tantalizing aroma of freshly cooked street food wafted through the air, enticing visitors with the promise of delicious flavors.

Musicians played lively tunes on street corners, their melodies intertwining to create a cheerful symphony that set the rhythm for the festivities.

Dancers dressed in vibrant costumes twirled and swayed to the music, their graceful movements captivating the attention of passersby.

Crowds of people, both locals and visitors alike, meandered through the streets, eagerly exploring the different attractions the festival had to offer.

People of all ages meandered through the festival, their faces adorned with smiles as they explored the various offerings.

Children clutched oversized stuffed animals won at game booths, their laughter ringing out as they chased each other in playful delight.

Couples strolled hand in hand, their steps in time with the cheerful rhythm of the festivities.

As the Henituse family strolled through the festival in their inconspicuous robes, their noble identities safely concealed, they each found themselves drawn to different attractions that piqued their interests.

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