The Rose, The Lights & The Darkness

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A spring breeze drifts through the open windows, carrying the fresh scent of roses from the nearest flower shop to the bakery.

The relaxing scent of rose lingered in the small bakery.

If the rose is a person, it could be the young lady in front of the owner of the bakery.

The long loose fiery red hair was like a red rose flowing in the light breeze.

A pair of beautiful red eyes that remind her of a flaming fire looking at the ash-browned haired lady gently.

A luscious red lip curved beautifully.

The sophisticated atmosphere of a red rose-like lady could only be someone from a high status.

The silver eyes divert from the lady to the pair of blonde twins.

One of the twins is a young man with a kind appearance.

He smiled innocently at the lady baker.

The other one is a young lady with regal air around her.

There are black spider web-like scars were visible on the blonde-haired lady's face

She just stared at Raisa with interest.

The last one is a black robe where nobody could see the face but Raisa could feel that the person inside the black robe was in a happy mood.

Also, she noticed briefly the pure purple eyes full of curiosity under the hood.

'What should I do in this situation?'

Raisa sighed internally.

She was burdened by the attention she got from these famous people.

To be accurate, the heroes of the Western and Eastern Continent

Raisa closed her eyes a moment to recall how she got into the current situation.

It's the same as always for her, baking the bread, making the dessert, and serving the customers.

Then, in the late evening, a group of robe people entered the bakery.

Raisa didn't find it weird as Roan Empire has received a lot of visitors and adventurers from other kingdoms after achieving peace.

She could see a brown robe, a black robe, and two white robes with golden patterns on them.

However, what caught her attention the most was the energy surrounding them.

It's familiar energy with different compounds.


Raisa rarely activated her ability when dealing with her customers as in her opinion, it's rude to 'observe' them.

Still, that time was different, the group used similar magic that the little black dragon, Raon used on the redhead young master, Cale, and the youngest swordmaster, Choi Han when they helped her on New Year's Festival Day.

It was illusion magic that conceal their appearance.

Not just their appearance, they also hide their strength.

Raisa couldn't help but focus on them to make sure they are not a foe that would make a commotion in her bakery.

As she 'observed' them, she could finally see the bright red-haired and red eyes lady, a pair of twins with blonde hair that one of them similar to Choi Han as well as the other one having unique power, and finally, she could feel an aura of death from the black robe.

It was a lie if she's not recognized them.

The Tower Master of Magic Tower and Archmage, Rosalyn.

As a reader of 'The Legendary of Young Master Silver Shield', she was known as Rosalyn of the Red flame, the ruler of mana.

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