Our Past II

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"Team Leader Kim. Would you like a mug of hot chocolate drink?"

Cale stared at her for a few seconds and answer her.

"Make it sweeter."

"Your taste hasn't changed that much..."

The lady turned her back and walk to get into the kitchen. She continued her words mischievously before vanishing into the kitchen.

"...Childish as always."

Cale's eyebrow twitched.


He couldn't finish his sentence, she disappeared from his view.

"She's similar to Soo Hyuk hyung somehow."

'Well, she's been working with him as team leader for quite some time.'

"His speaking way rubbed off on her."

"rubbed off on me what?"

The lady comes out from the kitchen with a tray of two mugs of hot chocolate and a plate of warm Hotteoks.

"You are fast."

"Of course. It's service for our only one Young Master Silver Shield."

She gracefully bows her head like she's dealing with the most respectable person after putting down the tray in front of Cale.

Cale just frowning deeply after hearing the 'Young Master Silver Shield' nickname.

"Stop frowning, young master-nim. You will get wrinkle on your face."

She's sitting opposite him while taking a sip of the hot chocolate.

"Team Leader Jung."



The lady with ash brown hair put her drink down and look into the familiar sharp reddish-brown eyes.

"Raisa. That's my name in this body."


Except for her silver eyes, she looks nothing like Team Leader Jung Yeon Hwa that he knows.

However, despite having a young face, her expression shows to him exactly like 34 years old Jung Yeon Hwa he remembers.

"How long have you been in this world?"

"Less than 6 months? Around White Star tried to invade the Northwest region."

"You appeared when the world was in chaos..."

"Yeah. It's true chaos and full of confusion."

Raisa's silver eyes dim and she let out a bitter smile that doesn't suit her bright personality.

Her cold fingers linger around the mug to get the warmth from it.

"...I was on my mission. It's in Incheon."

"Incheon? It's been a few years since we last had seen any monster in that area."

"That's true. But out of a sudden, your team and my team got requested over there."

"My team?"

Cale's eyes widened when he heard that. Raisa nodded her head.

'Team Leader Kim's team is the best Attacking Team in our company after all. Requesting their help means there's a lot of strong monsters. Also together with my Healer Team...it's bad news.'

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