His Guest

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In the majestic royal office of the Emperor, the air hung heavy with an aura of importance.

The room was adorned with regal furnishings, and sunlight streamed in through the ornate windows, casting a warm glow upon the opulent surroundings.

The walls were adorned with intricate tapestries depicting the history of the Roan Empire, a testament to its storied past.

In the room, resonating with a sense of gravity, two figures engaged in a serious discussion.

Emperor Alberu Crossman, with his striking blond hair and piercing blue eyes, sat on the armchair elegantly.

Despite the gravity of the conversation, a benevolent smile perpetually graced his handsome face, portraying a ruler who cared for his people and his allies.

His gaze was fixed on the man seated across from him.

The other figure was the red-haired, sharp-faced individual known for his tactical brilliance and expressionless demeanor – Cale Henituse.

His reddish-brown eyes, usually void of emotion, were focused intently on the matter at hand.

Seated at a polished wooden table, scattered with documents and maps, the two men engaged in a conversation of utmost importance.

The sunlight streaming through the ornate windows cast a warm glow on the plush furnishings, creating an illusion of tranquility in the midst of intense deliberations.

The blond Emperor leaned forward, his hands clasped together, displaying an air of thoughtful consideration.

The royal office was filled with the hushed rustle of parchment as Cale Henituse, utilizing his unique ability 'Record,' skimmed through the reports detailing the resurgence of black mages across the Western Continent.

His reddish-brown eyes flickered with intensity, absorbing the information at an unbelievable pace.

Emperor Alberu Crossman observed his sworn little brother, his gaze silent but keen.

Cale, seemingly unaffected by the accelerated pace of his own actions, took a sip of tea before closing the thick volume of reports with a resolute thud.

Cale's voice broke the silence, cutting through the air like a blade.

"There is a problem with these reports, Hyung-nim."

Alberu, leaning back in his chair, raised an eyebrow, prompting Cale to continue.

The young master continued.

"Every kingdom in the Western Continent is grappling with the black mage problem."

The Emperor nodded, acknowledging the shared knowledge.

"Well, yes. It's been a growing concern across the continent."

Cale's next words hung in the air, laden with realization that sent a chill down Alberu's spine.

"Except Roan."

Alberu's eyes, the color of a clear summer sky, narrowed slightly as he absorbed Cale's keen observation that he overlooked.

The young Emperor's usually benevolent smile vanished, replaced by a grave expression.

Alberu spoke slowly, the weight of the revelation sinking in.

"Their main goal all along is us."

Cale's gaze remained fixed on the maps sprawled across the table, his mind already racing through the potential consequences of Roan standing alone in prosperity while the surrounding kingdoms suffered from the black mage menace.

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