The Diary

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The silence enveloped the room as the redhead young master held the ash-brown-haired young lady in his arms.

He sensed the lady's body stiffen as time flowed.

Then, confusion etched across his face as he looked down at her who closed her eyes playing dead.

Cale let the lady go from his arms and called out her name.


Raisa's eyes slowly fluttered open, revealing the exhaustion that lay beneath her silver gaze.

She's mentally exhausted thinking about what kind of misunderstanding will be created between them.

She looked up to say something, her voice caught in her throat as she noticed the unexpected anxiety reflected in his reddish-brown eyes.

The annoyance that had been bubbling within her suddenly subsided staring at those eyes.

Question dawned upon her.

The man who was always calm and composed had displayed an unusual expression.

Plus, his reaction towards her words just now, embracing her in his arms, was unexpectedly intense.

"Cale, I am all alone."

'I said it on a whim. I didn't expect him to react to that extent...'

It left her wondering about the underlying reasons behind his actions and the emotions he was grappling with.

"I will tell you later."

Raisa opened and closed her down as Cale shot down her chance to ask at that moment.

However, she nodded, understanding the need for the right time and place to address his concerns.

She respected his decision to postpone the conversation for now.

After that, Raisa's gaze shifted to the three children standing at the threshold patiently waiting for their talking to conclude.

A smile curved her lips as she beckoned them to come closer, her eyes twinkling with warmth looking at the average 10-year-old children.

In the eldest child's hands, there was a bouquet of exquisite hydrangeas, their delicate petals vibrant and captivating.

Raisa's heart fluttered at the sight, touched by their thoughtful gesture.

"These are for me?"

The lady asked, her voice filled with genuine surprise and gratitude.

"Yes, Raisa Unnie. We picked them for you on our way here."

"We can't come here with empty hands, Nya!"

"My Hyung is right! It's beautiful, right? Do you like it, Sweet Raisa?"

"These flowers are absolutely stunning. I love it so much especially this is personally being picked by adorable kids like you guys."

Raisa accepted the bouquet with gratitude, her fingers gently brushing against the soft petals.

The fragrance of the flowers filled the air, adding a touch of natural beauty to the bakery.

The children exchanged glances, their faces blushing with a mix of happiness and shyness.

As Raisa placed the bouquet in a vase nearby, the room seemed to come alive with the vibrant colors and the scent of the hydrangeas.

She turns her attention to the guardian of the children with a smirk.

"Oh, Cale. You don't bring anything for me? I'm a little disappointed."

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