Kim Soo Yeon

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The hospital's garden sprawled around them, a haven of serenity amidst the sterile corridors of the medical facility.

Blooms of various hues lent their colors to the scene, and the soothing rustle of leaves overhead seemed to echo the murmur of wellness.

The pleasant ambiance was interrupted by the persistent calls of a child.

"Yeon Hwa Unnie! Yeon Hwa Unnie!"

A young girl, no older than ten, with innocent eyes and an energetic spirit, repeatedly called out to the lady standing before her.

However, the lady in front of her seemed lost in her own thoughts, her gaze fixed on something distant.

The lady, with captivating silver eyes, appeared absentminded, absorbed in whatever occupied her mind.

The child's attempts to gain her attention went unnoticed until she called louder, breaking through the lady's reverie.


Finally, the lady was drawn back from her reverie, her moonlight eyes refocusing on the little girl who had been trying to get her attention.

A loving smile graced her features as she knelt down to the child's eye level.

"Soo Yeon? Are you already here?"

She asked the child, her voice a soft melody carrying an undertone of genuine affection.

"Yeon Hwa Unnie, I kept calling you!"

A hint of sulky reproach colored Soo Yeon's words.

The 10-year-old, Kim Soo Yeon, had fine black, shoulder-length curls that framed her face, with a playful set of bangs dancing above her expressive eyes.

With every movement, her curls danced in the gentle breeze, adding an air of innocence to her appearance.

Jung Yeon Hwa, amused by the adorable display, couldn't resist pinching the little girl's fleshy cheek affectionately.

Her touch was tender, a testament to the bond they shared. With warmth in her voice, she remarked,

"Our dear Soo Yeon came early today. What's behind your back?"

Caught off guard, Soo Yeon froze for a moment, her small hands unconsciously clutching something tightly behind her back.

She glanced up at Yeon Hwa, her expression betraying her inability to hide the truth.

With a shy demeanor, she reluctantly revealed what she held—a soft drink can, adorned with Jung Yeon Hwa's favorite brand.

Soo Yeon's cheeks tinged with a rosy hue as she looked away in shy sweetness, presenting the drink to her Unnie.

Kim Soo Yeon's words were laced with innocence and concern.

"Unnie has always seemed lost since that accident. Yeon Hwa Unnie likes this, right? I will give this to you, just don't tell Uncle about this."

The last sentence was whispered conspiratorially, and the little girl extended the soft drink can toward Jung Yeon Hwa.

Before Jung Yeon Hwa could accept the gift, a scarred hand intercepted it, whisking it away with a firmness that brooked no argument.

The deep voice that followed, uttered the young girl's name in a stern tone.

"Kim. Soo. Yeon."

The young girl, upon hearing her name called with a certain weight, immediately dived into Jung Yeon Hwa's arms, seeking refuge from the lady.

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