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 "See you tomorrow."

Ron who was following Cale cannot be helped but curious about the meaning of those words.

'It's not Western or Eastern Continent  languages.'

Ron Molan. The fifth-generation patriarch of the Molan Family, one of the five assassin households in the Eastern continent's underworld. After Arm nearly wiped out the Molan family, Ron took his young son Beacrox and fled away, eventually managing to make a life for himself and his son as servants of the Henituse Family.

So, he knows a few languages exist in Eastern Continent as he's managing the underworld and in Western Continent as he's on the run with his son. Of course, he's not amazing as the dragons to understand all languages.

He looks back at the small bakery for a moment. It reminds him of the lady who is the current owner of that bakery, he noticed the change in expression of the lady. Although it was a slight change, it couldn't escape from his assassin's sharp eyes.

The lady already smile without feeling offended at the young master even though the young master behaved rudely at her. However, once the puppy young master of his left those words, the lady's eyes widened a bit, and then her smile appeared more relaxed.

'Did they know each other?'

Ron is not the only one who wondered about the lady. The one who got involved with her directly, Cale is also wondering about the lady's identity.

'She called me 'Team Leader Kim'. That means she's someone who worked at the company at least. Is she someone working under me?'

As Cale looked into his record to list all the people who were working under him in the past, he doesn't realize that he's already in the house. Hans' cheerful voice makes him snap back to reality.

"Young master-nim! How's your outing today?"


"Oh! By the way, currently, kittens-nim and Raon-nim are playing in young master-nim's bedroom."

"How's about Eruhaben-nim?"

"Eruhaben-nim said that he will go back to the Super Rock Villa, young master-nim."

"Got it. You can go back, Hans."

"Yes, young master-nim! Please call me if kittens-nim needs something."

Hans bows to Cale before he went back to his work. Cale dumbfounded while looking at the back of retreat Hans.

'He hasn't changed at all.'

Cale opened his bedroom door.



"Welcome back, Nya!"

"You are back, Nya!"

Before he stepped into his room, the two-meter black dragon slammed him like a bullet. The silver cat, On together with his little brother, the red cat, Hong welcomed him enthusiastically.

"...Raon, didn't I tell you before to not do like that?"

"It's just a little push! You are so weak, human! This is serious!"

"So weak, Nya!"

"Weak, Nya!"

'No, it's just you guys are too strong.'

Cale took off his robe and put it on his bed. He decided to not think about the lady and just meet her tomorrow. He opened his mouth while unbuttoning his outer shirt.

"Ron, prepare the bath."

"Yes, young master-nim."

"Also, I will eat dinner with the children in my room."

"As you wish."

After Ron leave the room to prepare the bath and told his son, the chef of Henituse Duchy, Beacrox to set up the young master's food, Cale plopped on his fluffy and warm bed.

He wished he could just sleep but he doesn't want to be nagged by the others as there was one time he missed his meal because he's overslept.

'I am just going to close my eyes.'


Before he could close his eyes, the little dragon shouted at him.


Cale just answered his calling curtly but Raon doesn't mind as his human always like that.

"Where were you going today?"

"Just a bakery."


"Bakery, Nya?"

"Why a bakery, Nya?"

Raon, Hong, and On asked him one by one with curious eyes. Cale sighed and sit up to talk to the averaging 10 years old children comfortably.

"I just went to take a look at a new dessert in our territory."

Cale answered their question truthfully while patting their heads. Of course, he doesn't tell about the lady baker that happens to know that he is Kim Rok Soo and maybe has some connection with him in the past.

'Well, it's not a big deal. I don't think it's necessary to tell them about it.'

"How is it, Nya?"

On asking him how's the taste of the new dessert made this lazy young master move from his warm bed to get it. Cale smiled at her while patting her bright silver fur that somehow remind Cale of the lady baker's silver eyes.

"It's really delicious."

"Wow! Is it more delicious than my apple pie, human?"

"Apple pie is also tasty. This is different delicious."

"I want to try it too, Nya!"

"Me too, Nya!"

"Okay, next time."

The children jump off the bed and play by themselves excitedly as Cale never goes back on his words. He always keeps his promise.

Cale looked at the children and then tried to rest his heavy eyelids. 

However, like always, gods were never on his side.

"Young master-nim. It's better to sleep after taking a bath and having dinner."

'This vicious old man!'

He cursed the old butler in his mind as Cale hadn't sensed his presence at all until the butler standing right next to him.

Cale gave up and just did what Ron suggested. He took the bath and then got some dinner with the children. 

Even though Raon and Hong are now one year older, Cale still needed to wipe off the food from their faces. Unlike them, like usually, On ate her food neatly.

When it's bedtime, Cale will do his routine as the guardian of the averaging 10 years old before they go to sleep which is reading a book to them.

After reading the book until the children sleep, Cale turns off the lamp by his bed. The room is not completely dark as the moonlight came in through the window. Apparently, the curtain doesn't cover the window completely.

Cale gets up to cover the window fully. As he holds the curtain, he looks up and saw the full moon.

The moon's colour looks like silver colour for him tonight. Silver colour. Silver eyes.

Then, his hand flinched as the record poured in his head.

"Team Leader Kim."

"Why are you always hurt every time we met?"

"Don't get hurt."

"Promise with me, Team Leader Kim."

Cale closed his eyes and laughed quietly in disbelief. 

Those bright silver eyes. How could he forget those eyes?

'Damn it.'

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