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"Cale and Raisa are not together."



The sound of teacups being put down on the saucers resounded the bakery. 

On's innocent revelation brought a momentary stillness to the bakery. 

Basen and Lily exchanged glances, their minds racing with thoughts and emotions they struggled to articulate.

Both of them were not together? 

The statement seemed so contradictory to the deep connection they witnessed between the two. 

The way Cale worried about Raisa, how he sought her out even in his rare moments of rest, and the genuine smiles that adorned both their faces when they were together—all these instances seemed to defy On's revelation.

"Are you sure, On Unnie?" 

Lily finally managed to ask, her voice filled with uncertainty.

On nodded earnestly, her golden eyes looking at Basen to Lily to show the reassurance.

"Yes, Lily, Basen Oppa. I saw them together a lot, but they're not together like that."

The young master stared at the oldest child among the children that his Hyung-nim took in.

He understood the meaning behind her statement.

He didn't doubt the little girl's words but he was still in the speechless state.

It was obvious his older brother's care towards Raisa was different than any care that he ever shown before.


"Then, I will give myself to you."

Anyone who heard that couldn't help but misinterpret that 'declaration'.

This year, Basen has turned an adult as well as received some invitations from noble families.

On the surface, it sounds just normal afternoon tea or party invitations but in reality, he knew those families had at least an unmarried young lady who was in a similar age with him.

They wanted to introduce their daughter to him and aim for Henituse's fame and wealth.

Most of the time Basen would reject the invitations politely but some courageous young ladies would send love letters.

So, he's been familiar with the sentences that look normal but behind them just a way of courting him.

His respected brother's words at that time made him think that he just proposed to Raisa in a secret manner.

Basen is convinced that Cale has feelings for Raisa.

However, for the lady, her demeanor is really like treating his brother as a close friend or someone she trusts.

At the beginning, Basen thought the 'friendship' that Raisa told him was just a facade to hide their 'true' relationship.

In reality, the romantic feeling is nowhere in her actions toward the redhead young master.

"...It doesn't make sense."


The Henituse siblings looked at each other with flustered feelings as they sighed.

The young dragon and the cat siblings, who had been listening intently nodded in agreement.

They had witnessed the genuine bond between Cale and Raisa, a connection that went beyond mere friendship.

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