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"Miss mystic is today!" I groan as Lizzie pushes me from my bed, "I don't care I'm dropping out." I mumble to my cousin as I roll over and try to continue sleeping on the floor.

"Get your miserable ass up Arabella, we agreed that we were going to run together and the day has already started so you're already behind." I pretend to cry but she doesn't fall for it, I can almost hear her eyes roll.

"Alright, aright I'm up." I say almost tripping over the blankets that were strewn all over the ground. I frown slightly as I glance over and see Kiara was already gone. "Yeah I saw her at breakfast with Thomas." Lizzie says noticing where my eyes had wandered to. "You guys still haven't spoken?" I shake my head.

"Wow this must be bad, you guys have never not spoken for longer than like a day." She says making me look at her, "I know Lizzie." She sighs before putting her hands on my shoulders. "Want to talk about it?"

"Maybe later Lizzie, thank you, but you said I'm already behind?" She nods with a smile and claps, "perfect, first let's get you changed, as you can see by my outfit we have to dress to impress, first impression on the judges are everything."

"Lizzie you do know we're competing against each other right?" I ask confused by all the optimism, "I'm not stupid but I'm confident enough that I'll win even if I help you."

"Oh ho ho really? We'll see about that Liz, let the best cousin win." I say holding my hand out to her, "I will." She says taking it.


"Hey Lizzie they're being so annoying and they won't unload the trucks without your dad's signature." I say handing her the clipboard. "I'll go find him, he's probably with Hope." She says rolling her eyes and walking off.

"I have some news. Many of you, like me, have forgotten that we are hosting this year's Miss Mystic Falls Pageant." The rest of the students begin grumbling in distaste at the reason this assembly had been called.

"Trust me, I know. But the rotation is set in stone. So, let's take the opportunity to maintain our image as a normal school for the rich and awful. As usual, anything remotely magical, enchanted, vampire, wolf or witch-related must be kept tucked away, hidden, and under lock and key." I roll my eyes at the rules we all should've known by heart by now.

"Now... with your chore assignments." Lizzie says pulling me with her to stand in front of everyone, "Okay, so we'll split into teams." I say smiling at the glares I was receiving.

"Just so you know I'm making note of everyone glaring at me right now and trust me when I say if I don't start seeing some smiles, I will make today hell for you." I add making Lizzie snicker under her breath.


"You have got to be kidding me." I complain as I lay eyes on a certain someone I wished I never had to see again. "Nice to see you too Arabella."

"Roman, what are you doing back here?" I ask glaring at the boy who had brought so much pain into my best friends life. "Dr saltzman asked me to come back and help." I nod, "well I wish I could say it's nice to see you but we both know that is a lie."

He sighs but doesn't say anything as I walk away. Roman and I used to be pretty close before he used me to get to Hope and then murder her mother. Granted it wasn't completely his fault and Hope had forgiven him but he had betrayed me too and I didn't appreciate it.


"You ok?" I ask Hope as she joins my side and we watch Lizzie show us how she'd stalked the judges in hopes of sucking up to gain points. "I don't know, I need to let off some steam but I can't wolf out because of the stupid humans."

"Well fortunately I'm not a therapist, I have too many of my own problems but maybe helping with as much as possible today might help take your mind off it till you can wolf out?"

"Thanks Bella, what about you?" I look at her confused, "we grew up together I can tell when somethings off, and theres the fact you and Kie haven't spoken in weeks."

"We'll be fine, we're twins who share a room I'm sure we'll have to speak sometime soon, at least when she's not sucking her boyfriends face."

"Speaking of boyfriends how are you and Raf?" I sigh, "I don't wanna talk about it." I say making her frown. "But now that we know Landon is indestructible how are things between you?"

"They're good aside from the fact he snitched on me to dr saltzman." She says making me laugh, "aw that just shows he cares." I say making her smile. We don't have much time to continue because Lizzie dramatically calls us to a meeting?

"I am withdrawing from Miss Mystic Falls. Effective immediately."

"I thought you had something important to tell us." Hope says looking at me in disbelief, "Come for the underwhelming announcement, stay for the epic meltdown." Penelope adds, I was still shocked that she had walked in with josie.

"Okay, wait, why are you quitting?"

"A personal issue with one of the judges. A direct result of that bitch Dana's sabotage."

"She's dead, Lizzie." Hope says  thinking we should show the dead some respect. "Correction: that dead bitch Dana's sabotage." I laugh and Hope nudges me as Lizzie continues. "Costing me the crown from beyond the grave. The head judge is her mother. The town pharmacist. There is always next year for me. But that does not mean that we here at the Salvatore School shouldn't bring home the title and stick it to those townies. So, as well as Arabella being our best hope. I have studied all of the stats and advanced metrics, and I have chosen a replacement. Hope Mikaelson." We all look at her shocked, I never would've guessed for her to say hopes name and seeing the hurt on Jo's she was hoping Lizzie would've said her.

"Are you sure you're not just pulling out because you know you can't beat me?" I tease making Lizzie scoff, "as if Bella, I can still beat you by just advising Hope."

"If you say so." I say before she's dragging Hope song with her, "have fun." I wave at Hope who sends me a look asking for help.

"If you wanna run for real Jo you should just do it." I say after it's only Penelope Josie and I left in the room. "But Lizzie-"

"Lizzie isn't even running anymore and even if she were who cares, she wouldn't care for long and I'd back you all the way." She looks conflicted so I sigh knowing she wouldn't go through with it. "I'd love to stay and chat but I realised I do not have an escort."

"Oh hey MG who's your friend." I smile as I bump into MG glad he was smiling and talking to someone instead of moping around. "What's up?" He asks but I shake my head, "nothing, I'm looking for a escort." I don't elaborate not wanting to bring up bad memories, "what about raf?" He says before he realises.

"Anyways since you're busy I will find someone else." I say smiling at him, "no I can-"

"No Milton you should stay here, she's cute." I whisper shooting him a wink making him smile, "good luck!"

"Thanks but I have this in the bag." I say before turning to his new friend, "nice to meet you." I say before walking away with a lot of thoughts on my mind, I was not so sure I had this in the bag with no escort.

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