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"Hey Bella you remember how mom said there was a new boy coming today?" I look up from my textbook to meet the ocean blue eyes of my twin sister, "yeah?" I ask putting my pen down and following to where her eyes land, "he's cute

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"Hey Bella you remember how mom said there was a new boy coming today?" I look up from my textbook to meet the ocean blue eyes of my twin sister, "yeah?" I ask putting my pen down and following to where her eyes land, "he's cute." I hum with a small shrug not really paying attention to dark skinned boy that was stood between my cousins knowing Lizzie would probably go for him. "He's a wolf, you know that you have a thing for them." Kaiara teases making me roll my eyes as the trio approach us, "and these are our cousins." Josie tells the boy.

"Also twins and also fraternal obviously." Lizzie grins as he raises his brows, "twins are very common in our family, both our mother and father were twins, well not to each other because that would be weird, our dad was actually their moms twin brother he wasn't related my mom at all, except from marriage but I don't know if that actually makes you related..." She rambles before stopping herself as he nods sending her a small amused smile, as I look to my sister wondering why she was oversharing. "Hi I'm Kaiara but everyone just calls me Kie or Kai." She grins showing her pearly white teeth and beaming blue eyes. "Rafael my friends call me Raf." He shrugs in a lazy manner before he turns to me, "Arabella." I say simply, sending him a small smile of my own. He nods as our eyes linger on each other for a little longer than needed. "Okay, lets get on with the tour," Lizzie clears her throat after looking between us, I look away and nod, "yeah you best hurry up if you wanna make it to the match on time." I smile avoiding Rafael's lingering gaze.

"Ok what was that?" Kaiara questions once they were out of earshot, "nothing," I murmur after catching the eye of another certain werewolf, he looks away and I look down, "can you just help me finish this so we get to the wickery game on time?" I ask twirling my pen between my fingers, "you don't need my help." She counters shoving her own books into her bag, "you know what, I'll just do it later." I shrug also putting my stuff away and standing quickly, after a look and a sigh Kaiara follows as we quickly dispose of our stuff in our room and make our way to the bleachers.

"Hey Milton." I tease as he sits beside me, "ugh really Ari?" He groans hating Milton more than anything, "I'm sorry MG but you just make it so entertaining when you react like that." I shrug making him nudge me. "Giving up dibs on the new guy so quickly?" He asks my cousin who sits down beside us, "It's not a competition. Plus, I'm still nursing a wounded soul." She tells us, "Hmm. Penelope Park." He says, "We don't mention her name anymore, remember?" I remind him making him chuckle, "Sorry." Kaiara turns her head and joins in the conversation, "Do you think he'll go for her?" She asks, seems to me that I wasn't the only Parker twin with a thing for werewolves. "Probably. They usually do." Josie sighs letting me know that she had also been interested, guess the new boy had really turned some heads.

We all watch Lizzie and Rafael with MG telling us what was being said, we wince when she says boys like him make her nervous and describes him as hot angry and damaged but then wince again once he says that he made it a habit to stay away from girls like her, before getting up and leaving. Guess he was available although I'm not sure that he was ready to be in a relationship yet. Lizzie looks up making the four of us collectively looking away as fast as possible as she storms away from the field. "Someone better tell your dad that the kitchen is in trouble?" I suggest glancing over at Josie, "I'm on it." She sighs also getting up and leaving. "So...you coming to the party tonight?"


"Hope come to the party with us."  I plead at my best friend who sits up from where she was laying in bed, "no thanks guys I'm good." She tells us flopping back down, "hopeeee you never come with us to the parties." I groan knowing it'd be so much more fun with her there. "But I don't wanna go." She whines making me sigh, "want us to stay and hangout with you?" I ask hopping beside her, "no it's ok you guys go have fun." She tells us as Kaiara joins us, "but we have more fun with you." She tells Hope, "I don't wanna ruin your plans, go." After more encouragement from Hope we go to the party, she probably already had something planned.


I leaned further back into the tree I was leaning on not minding the way the the bark dug into my back slightly. I lifted my cup to my lips as I watched my sister and Rafael talk happily to each other before becoming a bit more serious, I wondered what they were speaking about, my sister was never this outgoing with boys, it was good for her.

"So you gonna stand there all night or are you going to ask me to dance?" I roll my eyes before turning my head to the source of the noise, "dance with Alyssa." I tell him downing the rest of my drink before taking a step away from my ex. "Come on babe I'm not with her." He says, "really Jed? That didn't seem to be the case when I found your tongue down her throat." I hum, "we weren't together then so you can't get mad at me." I raise my eyebrows at him, "I'm not getting mad at you." I tell him before sighing, "I just can't keep doing this with you." I tell him as he takes a step closer to me, "are you sure about that?"


"Arabella!" Kaiara shrieks making Jed and I spring apart, "kie this is why you knock." She gives me a hard stare as Jed hurriedly pulls his shirt back on, "nice to see you kie." He nods before running out, "you said you weren't gonna do this anymore." She scolds, as I fall back on my bed, "I know, but I can't help it." I groan, "he just-" I don't know how to describe it, "you love him." I pull a pillow over my face, "no I don't." I tell her, my voice becoming muffled against the pillow, "your relationship isn't healthy, you're on and off so much I can barely keep up." I yell into the pillow knowing that she was right, but Jed and I had, had this thing for a over a year now it was hard to just let it go.

"No more Jed." Kaiara says sternly, "no more Jed." I mumble back weakly knowing that we'd probably get together again. "Anyways what's going on between you and that wolf?" I question my sister eager to change the subject, "what? Nothing. I actually told him to give Lizzie another chance." I groan, "kaiara why would you do that?" She shrugs twisting the end of her jumper in her hands, "I don't know I felt bad for her." I sigh, "as much as I love Lizzie, if you want him, you go for him because he made it clear he wasn't into her anyways and Lizzie will find someone new soon, she always does." I tell my sister, who sighs and looks down, "what if it's too late now?" She questions, "it's not too late, I'll help you if you want?" I offer making her smile, "thanks Ari," I smile back, "anytime." I loved my sister more than anything but she was too nice to people, and they would advantage of that if I didn't stop them, I wasn't a bitch like Lizzie or anything but sometimes I had to look out for Kaiara and I'd do anything for her.

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