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When I wake up my head pounds unbearably and the sun burns my eyes with such an intensity that I don't think I can open them.

"Why do I feel so awful?" I complain my own voice adding to the pain in my brain. I force my eyes open to see everyone around. Uncle Ric was hugging Kiara who was crying, Lizzie also crying and so was mom. Why was everyone crying?

"Who died?" I try joking till I realise. "Oh." They all turn to me quickly crowding me. "Woah everyone relax, I already died no need to try and suffocate me." No one laughs, well one person does but I don't know who because I can't see them.

"I'm so sorry Arabella, we tried our best but..." I grab my moms hand to stop her, "it's fine mom, I'm fine don't worry about it." I mean this sucked majorly but there was no reason to make her feel bad about it. Not when there wasn't anything we could do about it.

"Mom I promise you, I'm ok, please don't cry to be honest my head is killing and that's not helping." She wipes her eyes quickly and nods before I turn to my sister, "you too, stop crying I'm the dead one."

"Are you going to transition?" Kie asks me tearfully, "of course I'm going to transition, what would you guys do without me?" She nods and hugs me tight. "I'd maybe back away if I was you, don't want me to tear your throat out on accident do you?" I say after feeling slightly overwhelmed.

"Woah, who called Wednesday Addams?" I ask glancing at Josie who was stood in the corner alone, she was the only one who didn't seem to care, there was also the face she had black veins on her face and her eyes turned solid black for a second. "I broke the sandglass." She says her voice sounding strange. "Are you ok?" I ask her concerned about the way she was acting. She doesn't say anything instead she just walks out of the room making me look at the others confused. No one says anything the whole room falling into an awkward silence that I become desperate to break.

"Well since we've established that I'm turning can someone please give me some blood? I feel like crap right now." Mom nods and moves back to go find a blood bag I'm guessing.

Now that she's gone I see the other man in the room, "dad?" He nods and waves awkwardly making me get up, "maybe you should lay back down." He says in concern but I ignore him and walk up to him. "Are you ok?" He asks me his voice full of care. I hadn't really been expecting that. I stare at him for a moment before I start to tear up and wrap my arms around him.

He doesn't hesitate in retuning the hug holding me way tighter than I was holding him. I couldn't believe it. It was my dad and he loved me, he cares about me, he wanted to know if I was ok. I hated myself for all the bad things I said and thought about him. This wasn't like that nightmare the sleep demon had given me last year, he was real this time.

I don't want to let him go. I didn't think I would but I felt safe and protected in his arms.

"Oh my god, I can't believe I have kids." He mumbles to himself before he pulls away and places his hands on my face as looks at me. "I can't believe I have a dad." I echo making him laugh as his own eyes fill with unshed tears. "I'm so sorry that I didn't save you, I tried my best but-" I cut him off with another hug, "it's ok dad, I'm fine."

Mom returns with a blood bag not soon after she hands it to me but I hesitate. "If you don't want to do this, we understand." Mom say as they all watch me, "No I do it's just..." well to be honest I wasn't so sure I did want to do this. I just didn't want to leave my family behind, I wanted to stay with them. "This is so gross, I think I'm gonna be sick." I say holding the bag at arms length. I hesitate once I catch a hint of the smell, well it didn't smell gross.

"Can you guys not watch me, you're making me feel nervous." I say suddenly after holding it to my lips. It was unnerving with the way they were all staring at me. They laugh and turn away making me look back at the blood. I did feel drawn to it, as though I couldn't resist a moment longer.

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