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I was completely freaking out, I didn't know wether to believe what the necromancer had told me about my dad being alive but I didn't think he was lying

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I was completely freaking out, I didn't know wether to believe what the necromancer had told me about my dad being alive but I didn't think he was lying.

I had no one to talk about this with though, Hope and uncle Ric had gone to rescue Landon or something, Lizzie and Josie were in Europe with aunt caroline, kaiara was still touchy from the her attempt to meet dad and I really did not want to get her hopes up just in case this was a lie, Rafael was dealing with loosing his girlfriend for the second time and doing god knows what with the pack, Mom was helping MG who had gone all ripper or something plus there was no way I could tell her cause I couldn't get her hopes up either. This was so stressful.

"Growing up sucks Pedro, stay young forever." I advise the young kid who was sat beside me, "it doesn't work like that Arabella." He says making me chuckle, "you're too cute Pedro." I tell him ruffling his hair, "Arabella." He whines fixing it, "can  you just help me with my homework?" He asks, "course I can, lemme see."


I didn't figure out what to do about the dad thing, I tried a locator spell with my blood but nothing came up maybe I needed something that belonged to him, but I thought maybe I'd find something in the library.

"Need some help?" A voice asks as they grab the book I had been struggling to reach. "Jed you're back!" I exclaim throwing myself into his arms, "oh my god I was so worried." He chuckles and wraps his arms around me, "I missed you too Belle." Once I pull away though I hit him with the book he had just handed me, "are you stupid? Why did you beat Landon up and then run away?" He holds his hands up to try and defend himself, "hey wait a second." He says gently pulling the book from my hands. "I don't know I was just so angry but I regret it, I do, I shouldn't have let my anger get the better of me." He says making me nod in understanding, "I think I let the power of being alpha get to me." I give him a really look, "you think?" He chuckles and looks down, "I'm sorry, for how I treated you after I became alpha." I shake my head, "it's all in the past I have more important things to worry about."

"Like what?" He asks before glancing at the book I had been trying to get, "Belle what are you doing with this?" He asks as I grab it quickly, "I'm sneaking it from the library because I need it." I tell him shoving it into my bag, "what for?" I look around to see the coast is clear but decide it to be too risky, "I can't tell you here." His eyebrows shoot up in interest, "Arabella do you wanna hang out?" Pedro asks as he runs up to me, "aww I'm sorry Pedro I can't right now but I promise to hang out with you later." I tell him, "okay, see you later." He sighs making me feel bad.

"Ok come on." I say grabbing Jed by the hand and pulling him along. "Arabella what is going on?" He asks me, as I slam my door, "you can't tell anyone, especially not my sister or my mom." I tell him as I grab his hands to siphon some magic so that I could magically lock the door. "You're kinda scaring me." He says, "I think my dad is alive." I tell him quickly watching his eyes widen, "really?" He asks shocked, I then explain all the drama with the necromancer, "but I don't know if he was telling the truth or not, but then again why would he lie?" Jed shakes his head trying to process everything I just said, "Arabella that's great if he is."

"What if he's not Jed and I'm just getting my hopes up for nothing? I can't tell Kie or mom cause they'd be beyond crushed if this doesn't work out." He nods, "alright, um I'll help you and we can keep it a secret until we get answers, that way nobody gets hurt unnecessarily." He says, "thank you." I tell him sincerely glad I didn't have to keep this to myself anymore, "no problem Belle, I'd say that I owe you anyways." He shrugs, "ok what did you need the book for?" I take it from him and start to flick through, "it has information on all the covens so I thought there might be something about the Gemini coven that could be useful." He nods and looks over my shoulder.

"What's a prison world?" Jed asks as we flick through the pages, "well there were only two, one for a bunch of mental vampire witch hybrids who massacred a boat load of people, and the other was for my dad." I say, "what did he do?" I look away for a second, "he um murdered four of his siblings and cut his twin sisters spleen out?" I mutter slightly ashamed even though I was not the one who did those things, "and you're sure we should be looking for him?" He asks me, "yes, that was all the way back in 1994 he changed." Jed nods, "ok then."

"Do you think there could be another prison world?" I ask after a second, it would explain why the locator spell didn't work, unless he was just cloaking himself. "I mean there could be." He shrugs thinking it over, I open my mouth to say something when we hear the door, someone on the other side was trying to open it.

"Quickly hide it." I whisper shoving the book into Jed's arms, "one second." I shout to whoever was on the other side, "hey." I grin at Rafael as I open the door, "hey I actually came to..." the smile falls off his face as he notices Jed stood behind me. "What is he doing here?" He asks me anger dripping from his words my eyes widen as he storms over to Jed and lifts him up by the collar of his shirt. "Whoa, hey Raf, Raf don't." I say quickly making my way over to the two, "he's the reason Landon had to leave." He spits out before bringing his fist down across Jed's face, "Raf stop it!" I say as he punches Jed until he falls to the ground, "Rafael!" I quickly stand in front of Jed catching Rafael off guard although he didn't register it in time and so his fist ends up flying across my cheek.

"Oh my god Arabella I'm so sorry." He apologises profusely but I shake my head, "it's ok, it's ok Rafael you didn't mean to." I assure him putting my hand on his as he looks at my face in horror, "I-" I cut him off, "Rafael, it was an accident, I'm not angry at you." He looks me in the eye before he turns and runs off.

"Hey are you ok?" I ask crouching down beside a beat up Jed, he groans but nods, "I deserved that." He rasps as I help him up, "maybe you did." I shrug as I pull him over to my bed, "I'm gonna get you some ice ok?" I tell him before taking a step towards the door, his hand catches my arm making me turn back to him inquisitively, "why did you take a hit for me." I give him a soft smile, "even though you deserved it, I don't like seeing you hurt." I tell him before kissing his forehead and leaving the room.

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