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Chapter 2

Ilya hopped down off the private jet with a huge smile on her face. "So this is Japan," she said, looking up at the sky.

"It... really doesn't look that much different from home. It's a little warmer at least."

"It's still good to be home," a voice said behind her. A tall woman with long, flowing black hair carefully stepped down from the plane, her heels clicking against the stairs and the coat of her pale grey power suit thrown over her shoulder.

"And you'll get to meet your brother for the first time."

Ilya did a little twirl, her long silver hair whirling around her. "I know Obaa-san! Oh, I hope onii-chan has summoned his servant already. We'll be the best team ever! I bet we could win the Holy Grail easy!" She trailed off, her smile shrinking a little bit.

Her servant smiled softly. "It's alright Ilya. You said that your mother is watching over you, right?"
Ilya looked up at her servant.

"Yes! Mama has been watching me ever since she left."

"And you trust her, right?"

"Of course!" Ilya actually sounded a little offended at the thought that she might not trust her beloved mother.

"Then have faith that she won't let something bad happen to you just because of the Holy Grail."

Ilya's smile widened again. "You're right obaa-san! Everything will work out in the end. Sella, Leysritt, take my bag and deliver them to the castle. Berserker and I are going out to explore the city."

The two put-up homunculi bowed. "Yes mistress Ilya."

One runway over, completely unknown to the smallest Einzbern, another European magus was getting off her own private jet.

"So this is Japan. What a quaint little country." Luvia Edelfelt absently pushed her beautiful curls back off her cheek.

"To think that the miraculous Holy Grail is found all the way out here in the Orient."

"Mistress..." The blonde haired foreigner turned to see her purple haired servant poking her head around the doorframe of the plane.

"Yes Caster~"

"Are you sure this is appropriate for me to wear?" Caster said, blushing slightly. "I know that I'm your Servant, but this seems..."

"Oh, don't worry so much," Luvia said, bounding back up the stairs in two quick hops. "I assure you, this is the height of fashion for servants in the modern era."

Caster blushed deeper and hesitantly stepped out of the plane. One hand came up to hold on her headband as a breeze made her maid's dress flutter.

"Yes ma'am."

Luvia squealed. "You look so cute!" She bodily lifted Caster up and spun around with her in her arms. "I knew that was the perfect outfit for you!" She put her down.

"But that's not the proper way to greet your mistress."
Caster was blushing so much that a small cloud of steam seemed to be forming above her head. "Yes..." Dipped low in a curtsy and bowed her head slightly. "Yes mistress."

Luvia's squeal of delight could have shattered glass.

"I have the best servant!" she declared proudly. "Now let's get the bags and get to the hotel! I can't wait for Tohsaka to see just who has the best servant in the Holy Grail War."

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