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Chapter 10

What happened next happened very fast.  Shirou had just enough time to process the girl’s words before the tall woman was on them with a manic grin on her face. 

Saber flashed forward, her raincoat blowing away as her invisible sword clashed against the much taller woman’s katana. 

“Master, get back!”  Shirou stumbled backwards as the sheer force of the impact nearly blew him off his feet.

“This is bad,” Rin muttered, grabbing both Shirou and Sakura and dragging them back from the fight as their blades both rang out again. 

“Berserkers are supposed to be weak servants who get a power boost from going insane.  That one’s way more powerful than normal.  Archer.  Can you help Saber?”
The red clad woman faded in to existence. 

“Shouldn’t be a problem.  Give me a minute to get a good angle and I’ll take care of everything.”  She leapt up and skirted around the edge of the battle, trying to get a clear line on Berserker while she and Saber were trading blows.

On their other side, Rider appeared in a shimmer of light.  “Please, allow me to help as well mistress.”

“Rider, you’re still hurt.  Please, let Saber and Archer handle this.”
Rider shook her head. 

“I can’t do that mistress.  Not while my Master is also in danger.”  She drew her daggers, letting one dangle loosely from the chain. 

“I’ll be careful.”  With that, she leapt forward, her chain lashing out to bind one of Berserker’s arms.

Berserker growled and jerked her arm forward, forcing Rider to give her a little slack or be pulled off balance.  Saber took that moment to lash out, her blade aimed for Berserker’s shoulder. 

Berserker twisted her blade and repelled the strike, then pressed forward with a a powerful slash.
Shirou flinched as Saber was driven back a few paces by the sheer force of the blow. 

“What can we do?”

“We don’t do anything,” Rin replied. 

“This is a battle between Servants.  Getting in the middle of that would just get us killed.”

“That would be such a shame, wouldn’t it?”  The group turned as the little girl stood on the hill just about them.

“You… you’re the Einzbern master, aren’t you?” Rin said, her posture shifting into a defensive stance and one hand sliding down to her pocket. 

“You’d have to be from a powerful family to support a Servant like that.”
The girl giggled.

 “Indeed.  And you’re the Tohsaka heir, Rin Tohsaka.”  She smirked and performed a mocking little curtsy.

“And she’s the the one who was given to the Matou family, correct?”  Rin visibly flinched and Sakura shrank a little. 

“You may call me Illyasviel von Einzbern.  To think, that the heirs to the most prestigious magus families in Japan would be so uncouth though…”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Rin snarled.  “But if you think you’re going to kill us without a fight, you’re going to be disappointed.”
Ilya grinned. 

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