Chapter-11 [Lemon ;) ]

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Chapter 11

The walk back to the Emiya house was quiet. 

Sakura and Rin were both distracted in silent conversations with their servants. 

Rin kept muttering under her breath and shaking her head, while Sakura had a constant worried expression on her lips. 

Shirou didn’t want to interrupt either of them, but he couldn’t quite bring himself to try to talk to Saber instead. 

The blue clad Servant was silent, walking almost stiffly just behind him.  He couldn’t help glancing back over his shoulder to glance at her every few seconds. 

Her face was absolutely calm under the moonlight, though not the same calm that she had while she was fighting. 

Shirou couldn’t quite place the difference, but she seemed incredibly focused while she was fighting.  Now she just seemed… reserved.  Like she was troubled by something.

“I think this is where I leave you,” Rin said as they reached the corner of Shirou’s street. 

“Normally, I’d tell you to find somewhere safe to hole up and get ready for the war, but with half the masters agreeing to a truce and going to our school, I doubt we’ll have to worry about getting attacked there.  So I’ll see you at school tomorrow.”  She turned on her heel and walked off in to the darkness, presumably heading back to her house.

Shirou and Sakura looked at each other for a moment then Shirou opened the door and held it.  “After you.”

“Thank you senpai.”  Sakura stepped inside and slipped her shoes off.  “I’m sorry for all the trouble I caused tonight.”

“It’s no trouble at all,” Shirou said.  “I almost wish I’d known sooner.  I could have tried to find some of dad’s work on Bounded Fields.  I’m pretty terrible at basically everything, but it would have been worth trying if it kept you safer…”

Sakura tensed up.  “Why?” she murmured under her breath.

Shirou blinked.  “What?”

“Why are you so worried about me?  After I lied about being a mage, and I put you in danger by hiding here with Rider…”

Shirou rubbed the back of his head awkwardly.  “Well you needed a place to stay.  I wouldn’t have turned you away just because it might put me in a little danger.”

“I don’t deserve your kindness senpai,” Sakura said, her shoulders slumped and her eyes downcast.
Shirou gently set his hands on her shoulders.

  “Don’t be silly.  Everyone deserves a little kindness.  It would be wrong to leave you with nowhere to go just to make things easier for me.”

“He’s right,” Saber said, finally breaking her silence.  “Only a dishonorable cur would abandon a friend out of fear for their own safety.”

“No,” Sakura said.  “I mean I don’t deserve it.”  She looked even smaller, and Shirou could see tears welling up in her eyes. 

“I’ve been using you senpai.  All this time.” Shirou looked bewildered, but Saber’s posture shifted slightly, her eyes narrowing. 

“What exactly are you implying?” she said evenly.

“Let her talk,” Rider said firmly, appearing from empty air.  “Please, hear her story out.”

“I… I wanted to stay by your side, no matter what,” Sakura continued. 

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