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Chapter 14

“So let me get this straight,” Taiga said, crossing her arms and scowling. 

“You…”  She pointed at Sakura. 

“And you…”  She pointed at Shirou. 

“Are wizards.”

(Y'er Wizard, Harry!,Sorry Had to do it)

“Mages technically,” Sakura added.

“Whatever.”  Taiga sighed.

“And these three…”  She pointed to Saber, Rider, and Ruler.  “Are ancient heroes summoned by actual magic to fight in some sort of war…”

“More of a contest of strength between champions really,” Ruler said.
  “It’s called a war, but it’s not much of a war with only a dozen or so contestants.”

“Not the issue here!” Taiga interrupted. 

“And neither of you told me anything about any of this.”
Shirou and Sakura looked at each other guiltily and eventually Shirou spoke up. 

“Magecraft is supposed to be kept secret from outsiders.  I didn’t mean to worry you Fuji-nee, but there are some very scary people who would come if it got out that someone knew that magic existed and you’re not the most subtle of people…”

“I’m not that thick!” Taiga roared.

  “And I’m supposed to be responsible for you.  How am I supposed to be a responsible adult if you’re running off to do dangerous magic stuff without telling me?”  She stopped and just stared for a second. 

“I can’t believe that I just said that sentence and it makes complete sense.”  Shirou couldn’t help wondering when Taiga had gotten so dedicated to keeping an eye on him.  Usually she just came over to mooch off his food. 

“I was just trying to keep you out of danger,” he offered lamely.

Taiga slumped.

  “Shirou’s the one who’s trying to protect me now,” she said to the ceiling. 

“When did I become the kid in the room?”

“It’s really not that bad Sensei,” Sakura said, trying to be reassuring.

“That’s true,” Ruler agreed quickly. 

“And you wouldn’t have been selected as my master if you didn’t have the spirit to help me in my task.”

“And how did I get dragged in to this mess anyway?” Taiga added with a groan.

“I am of the Ruler class of servant,” Ruler explained.  “It is my duty to act as the arbitrator of the holy war so that no one abuses or misuses the situation for their own advantage.”

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