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Chapter 8

Shirou didn’t bother to hide his panic as he raced home.  After all, someone had just tried to murder him.  They had to be mages, and ones that were much better than he was.  He had to get home before they tried to follow him.

  For the first time, he began to wish that his father had installed a few more defenses in the house’s Bounded Field.  He rounded the last corner to his street and stopped to catch his breath, leaning against the outside wall of the house before he pushed himself forward and the gate slide open.

  “Good evening Shirou.”

Sakura.  The purple haired girl was standing in the kitchen, leaning back so she could see Shirou at the door.  Shirou went a little pale.  He’d been so panicked that he’d completely forgotten that she was here.

“Oh no…”

“Is something wrong Senpai?” Sakura asked.

“No, nothing’s wrong,” Shirou said a little too quickly.  Crap, if they managed to follow him home, she’d be in danger.

“You look flushed.”  Sakura set aside her spoon and walked over to him, absently pulling off her oven mitts and pressing her hand to his forehead.

“Really, I’m okay.”  Shirou flushed a bit as Sakura got rather close, leaning it too look at his face.  “You don’t have to worry about me.”


“There’s only one other person in the house as far as I can tell,” Lancer projected to her master.  She crouched on the opposing rooftop, watching the boy in the doorway.

  “A girl.  Maybe a sister, but she doesn’t look all that much like the kid.  Girlfriend maybe.  Or a fiancé.”

“He seemed a little young for that,” Bazett replied dryly.  “But you never know with magus families.  If they’re an established family, that increases the chance that there’s a Master in the house.  Any sign it’s her?” Lancer kept her eyes on the boy as the girl came to greet him at the door.  

“I’m not… wait.  Yes.  I can see something on the back of her left hand.  Might be an injury or a tattoo, but that would be a hell of a coincidence.”

“If you’re wrong, we can apologize later.  Confirm it.  If she’s not, we’ll keep an eye on them from a distance from here on out.  If she is, try to convince her to give up her command seals.  If she won’t, either take her command seals or deal with her.”

“Her Servant is going to intervene if I show my face.”

“I doubt that will stop you.”

“You are correct, but we’re in a residential neighborhood.”
There was a moment of silence. 

 “If things look like they’re going to attract too much attention, withdraw.  We know where they live and their faces.  That’s a good advantage, even if we can’t take them out of the game now.  And try to keep the fight restricted to the property if you can.”

“Understood.  I’m going in.”


“Nice place you got here.”  Shirou went pale as he spun around to see the woman in black behind him, spear held loosely in one hand.

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