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Chapter 16

It was nearing sundown when Rin finally arrived at the Emiya residence, and the last rays of the sun were disappearing over the horizon.

  “There’s a presence in the air tonight,” Archer said, looking up at the stars as they slowly crept into view.  “Something strange is going to happen tonight.”  She frowned. 

“I’m not sure I like it.  I keep getting into fights with these monstrously powerful servants when I get this feeling.  A good scuffle’s all well and good, but it’s less fun when I’m the one at a disadvantage.”Rin shot her servant a look. 

“Do you only pick fights with people who you know you can beat?”

“No, but I like to have time to set up a couple of dirty tricks before I fight someone stronger than me.”  She sighed and rubbed her head absently.

 “Man, the Archer class really doesn’t suit me very well…”

“Maybe you’d be happier as an Assassin,” Rin said dryly.  “Then you could sneak up on people and use all the dirty tricks you want.”

“It would probably be easier that way,” Archer agreed.  “But I don’t think we’d work together very well.  You don’t seem like the type to sit back and wait for me to stab people in the back.”

“Well thank you for being so considerate,” Rin deadpanned as she rang the bell.

There was a moment of silence before the front door opened and Shirou appeared wearing a sky blue apron and a headband to keep his hair out of his eyes. 

“Oh, good evening Tohsaka.  I hope I didn’t keep you waiting.”  He absently wiped his hands dry on his apron and opened the gate for her.Normally Rin would try to keep her composure, but she was absolutely done with this day.  “Emiya… what are you doing?”

“Huh?”  Shirou cocked his head.  “I’m washing the dishes.  I thought I’d be done by now, but Saber and Rider use a lot of bowls.”

“What did I do to deserve this?” Rin muttered.  She shook herself.  “Well are you ready to go or not?  Unless you want to stay here and wait for our enemies to come to us instead.”

“We should be almost ready to go.  Please, come in and rest until we’re done.”  He stepped aside and let the pair into the house.Rin absently wiped her feet on the doormat. 

“Pardon the intrusion.”  She slipped out of her shoes and followed Shirou down the hall to the dining room.  As they rounded the corner, she finally got a glimpse of the other servants. 

Saber was wearing a blouse and skirt that at least looked relatively modest and sitting on one side of the table sipping a cup of tea.  Rider was on the other side, wearing a sweater that was definitely far too tight on her and made her generous… assets stand out far too much.  Rin self-consciously looked down at her chest for a second. 

“What are they wearing?” she muttered.

“Well they couldn’t exactly sit at the dinner table in armor,” Shirou said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

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