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Chapter 9



Blue light erupted from the circle, forcing Shirou to try to shield his eyes from the glare. From the center of the circle, a figure began to rise up. His eyes widened and he felt a lump form in his throat as he stared.

It was a woman, clad in shining silver armor and a swirling blue dress. Her hand clutched something that he couldn't quite see, but something in the back of his mind instinctively told him that it was a weapon. Her eyes snapped open and she looked down at him with deep bluish Green eyes.

"I am Servant Saber," she said.

"So I ask you, are you worthy to be my Master?"

Shirou stared open mouthed at the blonde woman, his voice caught in his throat.

"Your... master..."

"It is by your summons that I am here," Saber said.

"Our fates are now bound as one. And my sword shall be yours to command. Now, what orders do you wish of me?"

Sakura shrank behind Shirou, glaring at the blonde over his shoulder.

"Senpai... she's here to help."

Shirou snapped out of it as he felt a burning on the back of his hand and he looked down to see a strange red mark carving itself in to his flesh.

"What is this?"

The sound of steel on steel outside caught all of their attention and Saber spun on her heel.

"I see. I will deal with these interlopers immediately. Please stay back master."

"Wait!" Saber ignored him, leaping through the doors faster than his eyes could follow. There was a visible shockwave as she collided with Lancer, her unseen blade clashing with Lancer's bloody spear.

"Another one?" Lancer scowled and lashed out. The two servants exchanged three blows in an instant, their weapons ringing out as each blow was turned aside without either gaining the upper hand.

"Two Servants in one house... interesting. Alright, I can handle these odds."

"You're very confident," Saber said evenly.

"Perhaps even arrogant." She charged forward, her blade clashing with Lancer's spear again.

"I feel like I've earned a little arrogance," Lancer replied smoothly.

She jumped to avoid one of Rider's daggers coming straight for her side and kicked of Saber's blade, clearing some distance between herself and the two others.

"So, you must be Saber. That's an interesting sword you have there."
Saber took advantage of the space to attack Rider, forcing the purple haired servant to try to hold of the blade with one of her daggers before they both disengaged, sliding backwards and studying each other.

"Perhaps. It could also be a dagger, or an axe, or even a spear."
Lancer laughed.

"Nah, it's a sword. You fight like a swordsman, and a pretty good one. Not enough thrusting to be a spear and your style doesn't fit an axe. It's nice to see someone with a normal weapon."

Saber's eyes narrowed slightly.

"I would hardly call any weapon in this contest normal." She flashed forward, forcing Lancer to deflect her strikes with a few quite thrusts. The corner of her mouth turned up as Lancer took her first injury, a small cut across her forearm.

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