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Chapter 5

Kirei Kotomine was sitting at his desk, trying to fight off an encroaching headache. 

It was becoming an increasingly common occurrence for him over the last few days. 

Unlike his last three headaches, this one wasn’t caused by Bazett, Lancer, or Gilgamesh.  No, this time his headache was caused by the letter sitting on his desk.

  A letter from the holy church in Rome.

Father Kirei Kotomine,
Given the events surrounding the last Holy Grail War, we find that simply having an overseer present to monitor the activities of the mages engaged in the conflict may not be sufficient to ensure the continued safety and secrecy of the mystic arts.  Fortunately, God has blessed us with our own master, whom may be able to compete in said competition and prevent another unstable individual from claiming the Grail and causing an incident such as the one ten years ago.  We trust that you will provide her lodgings and any aid she might require.  Discretely, of course.  We must maintain the fiction that we are neutral in this affair.

The bottom was stamped with the seal of the church, but unsigned.  He groaned and pulled a bottle of wine from the bottom drawer of his desk. 

He hesitated for a moment, then simply popped the cork and drank straight from the bottle.  On one hand, this made his little fiction to keep Bazett in line less of a fiction. 

On the other, now he had to try to carry out his plans while a representative of the church was looking over his shoulder.
He took another long drink and stored the bottle away again before he straightened his vestments.  At the very least, he could make a good impression. 

With a little luck, he could use this representative as another tool to get what he wanted.  The Grail’s birth would happen regardless of who won after all.

  The sound of someone hammering on the front door echoed through the church and Kirei went to greet his new… guest(?).

He pulled the double doors open. 

“Greetings and welcome to…”  His voice caught in his throat and all the color drained from his face.

Fuck.Why God!,Why!.

“Greetings Father Kotomine,” the silver haired young woman dressed as a nun bowed her head. 

“My name is Caren Hortensia of the Exorcist division and currently a master in this Holy Grail War.”

“You look just like your mother.”  Kirei scowled, biting his tongue before something else slipped out. 

Another man might ask what he’d done for God to punish him like this.  Kirei was fully aware of exactly what he’d done to earn God’s ire.  But surely this was excessive, even for divine retribution.

“Pardon?”  The girl cocked her head as if she had no idea what he was talking about, but Kotomine recognized the momentary searching look in her eyes.  She wanted to see how he’d react.

“Never mind.  Welcome to Fuyuki Church Sister Hortensia.  Please, make yourself at home.”  He stepped aside, holding the door open for her.

“Of course.  Bring the bags Shielder.”
Kirei glanced past his… the representative to see another silver-haired girl behind her.

Really?  What was with all of the silver hair all of a sudden?

Your Doom.

  “I’m sorry, did you say Shielder?”
“Oh yes,” the apparent Servant said, bowing her head as well.

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