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Chapter 15

“And then she bragged about the gourmet lunch box!  She’s such a… argh!”  Shirou and Sakura both sat back and watched the amazing human fireball that was an enraged Rin Tohsaka.

  “And I know that she’s doing it to try to get into my head.  She wants me off-guard before she makes her move.”

“Are you sure she’s another master?” Sakura asked as Rin trailed off into angry grumbling.

“The Edelfeldt and Tohsaka families have been rivals for ages,” Rin replied.  “The only remotely possible reason for her to be here now is because she’s also competing the the Grail War.  She’s not even trying to hide it.  She’s flaunting the fact that she’s here to compete with me!”

Shirou wisely decided not to argue the point. 

“That’s a good thing isn’t it?” he asked.  “If we know who the other masters are, resolving the war should be even faster.”

Rin grumbled a little, but didn’t look like she was going to argue.  “She’s still trying to get in my head,” she said, turning her nose up. 

“And I’m not going to let her beat me at mind games.  She won’t get to me!”  Shirou felt a drop of sweat form on his brow as Rin’s eyes blazed. 

“Anyway, I thought that you weren’t interested in fighting like that.  Unless running into that Einzbern brat last night changed your mind.”

To Shirou’s credit, it only took him a few moments to figure out what she was talking about.  “I meant that it would make it easier to find our opponents!” he sputtered.  “I don’t want to attack anyone!”

Rin sighed and hung her head.  “I should have known better than to think you’d develop some sense overnight.  Not that much can happen in one night, right?”

Both Sakura and Shirou managed to force their blushes down before Rin looked up again.  “Why don’t we have something to eat,” Sakura said, trying to change the subject.  She smiled and pulled out two lunch boxes, handing one to Shirou.

“Thanks, Sakura,” Shirou said, taking the box from her.

Rin sighed again.  “Fine, I get it.  I’m heading down to the cafeteria then.”
Shirou blinked as she got up to leave. 

“You’re not staying to have lunch with us?  That is why we invited you.”
Rin shook her head.  “I didn’t have time to pack a lunch this morning.  I’m going to go down to the cafeteria to get something.”

“You can share some of mine if you want,” Shirou offered without hesitation.  “It’s just leftovers from breakfast, but everyone seems to like my cooking.”  He held up the box and smiled at her, completely oblivious to Sakura’s small frown.

Rin’s cheeks colored just a little bit.  “Well, if you’re going to offer, it would be rude to refuse.”  Shirou’s smile grew as she snapped the chopsticks apart and took a bite. 

Her eyes immediately lit up and she scarfed down two more before she caught herself and began to eat at a more sedate pace.  “Before you distract me again, there are still things we need to discuss.”

“Uh Tohsaka…”

“Even if you insist on trying to do this whole thing the ‘right’ way, you’re going to have to be ready for the other masters to come at you with everything they’ve got,” Rin continued, ignoring his attempt to interrupt.

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