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Shirou stopped dead in his tracks as two brilliant lights erupted from the edge of the river. 

An explosion of gold fired in, only to be met by a towering white wall.  The force of the impact surged through the air, knocking the skeletons head over heels and nearly taking the magi with them. 

Shirou felt a shiver run down his spine.  Was this the power of a Noble Phantasm? 

It wasn’t just the physical power he could feel.  There was a tangible awe to watching the two powers clash. 

He could feel Archer’s fury and something strange from the white barrier.  Someone who was fighting Archer was probably his enemy, but the barrier gave of a sense of majesty that made him feel almost… safe.

Saber on the other hand looked somewhere between shocked and horrified.  

“No… not again,” she whispered, almost too quiet for him to hear.  Then she dashed forward, carving through the remaining familiars with brutal efficiency. 

The skeletal warriors seemed almost as awed, putting up even less of a fight as she pushed through them.  The last few warriors fell and the tide finally seemed to end as they pushed through to the water.

Archer was standing on the edge of the water, her ship fading back into sea mist.

  “Who are you to get in my way?” she asked, panting slightly.

“I had everything under control,” Lancer said, still favoring her injured leg a bit. 

“Who sent you to help me?”

“Galahad!”  Everyone turned to see Saber at the top of the steps leading down to the water. 

“It is you.”

The woman in black armor turned to face the knight, her massive shield held loosely in one hand. 

“Greetings my lord,” she said, bowing her head respectfully. 

“I was hoping that we wouldn’t meet on the battlefield.”

“It really is you,” Saber said, ignoring the rest of the group entirely.  “Why?  Why are you here?”

“In this time, I am known as servant Shielder.  And I was summoned to be part of this Grail War, just as you were,” the pink haired girl replied.  “I suspected that it was you the first time I laid eyes on you, but I wasn’t certain until I saw you do battle.”
Saber’s grip tightened around her sword until her hands trembled. 

“So do you stand here as my enemy then?  Would you ask me to do battle with you?”

Shielder dropped to one knee.  “I beg your forgiveness my lord, but by the summoning contract requires that I pay fealty to my master.  I don’t wish to face you as an enemy, if it can be avoided.”  She raised her head and looked at Saber.

  “I have seen that you seek a way to participate in this war without unnecessary conflict.  I hope that your master and mine might be able to come to some accord.”

“We have come to a temporary truce, but make no mistake.  I must win the Grail,” Saber said firmly.  “I made too many mistakes when I was alive.  This is my chance to make things right again.”

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2022 ⏰

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