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Chapter 13

Shirou woke up slowly. 

He blinked and raised one hand to fend off the morning sunlight pouring in through the window.  He tried to sit up, but there was something heavy lying on top of him.  Something soft and warm and…  He rubbed his eyes and looked down to see Sakura’s tranquil, sleeping face just inches from his own. 

Blood rushed to his face as memories of the night before filled his head and he desperately tried to keep himself… under control.  He wasn’t sure if he was supposed to wake her up, or try to worm his way out from under her without waking her.

He was still deliberating when he heard someone clearing their throat.

  “Good morning Master.”

To Shirou’s credit, he only yelled in shock a little bit.  Sakura groaned and pushed herself up. 

“What’s wrong Shirou?” she murmured, rubbing her eyes.
Shirou pushed himself up to a sitting position and turned to see Saber sitting formally near the door. 

“What are you doing here?!”

“Leaving you alone in a room with a potential enemy is unacceptable.  After you were done, I came over to watch over you.”

“You shouldn’t come in to a boy’s room without asking first!” Shirou sputtered.

“Technically, this is my room,” Sakura said, climbing off of Shirou and yawning.  Shirou blushed a little as the sheets feel down, revealing her body.

  “But… Rider!”

The purple-haired servant appeared in a shimmer of light.  “Allowing another servant to watch over my master on her own could put you at risk.”

Shirou wondered if it was possible to pass out just from the blood rushing to his head.  “It doesn’t matter whose room it is!  Neither of you should be here!”

Saber sighed.  “Master, you shouldn’t think of me the way you would a normal woman.  I am not some house guest.  I am a blade that is meant to win the Holy Grail.”

Shirou groaned.  “That’s doesn’t matter.  It’s still not proper.  And I have a right to at least some privacy.”

“If an enemy was to attack in the middle of the night, I wouldn’t be able to respond fast enough to help you from a different room,” Saber insisted. 

“Especially if they were already inside.”  Rider elected not to respond to that.

Shirou groaned.  “Just… please leave so I can get dressed.  We’ll talk about this after I make breakfast.”
Saber nodded. 

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