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Chapter 7

“Hey Emiya!”

Shirou looked up at the familiar voice.  “Hey, Mitsuzuri.  How are you today?”

“Good,” the club captain said.  “I wanted to ask you a favor.”

“I can’t come back to the club right now Ayako.  Sorry, but I really don’t have time right now.”

Ayako visibly deflated.  “Oh come on.  At least come by and watch us practice.  Maybe give the newbies a few pointers.”

Shirou sighed at the look on her face.  “Well, I don’t have work today, but…”

“If you’re worried about Shinji, don’t.  He’s not even at school today.  I already checked.”  Ayako grinned, crossing her hands behind her head. 

“And good riddance to him too.”

“You shouldn’t talk about other people like that,” Shirou said half-heartedly.

Ayako scowled.  “I know he kind of used to be your friend, but he’s been nothing but a complete pain in my ass for months.  I keep losing freshmen because of his attitude and then he acts like hot shit.  If it keeps up like this, we’re going to get shut down by the time I graduate.”

“Alright, alright,” Shirou gave in.  “I’ll come by after class, but I can’t promise how long I’ll stay.”

Ayako grinned, and pumped her fist.  “Yeah!  I thought I might have to play the ‘Sakura would appreciate it card’ before I’d get you to say yes.”

Shirou felt a sweat drop form on his forehead. 
He Wondered to Himself If Women are Normally Like this..

You Have No Idea Kiddo!.

“It’s really not like that,” he said, a little too quickly.  “I’m just coming by the help out a friend.”

“Surrrreee you are.”  Ayako sighed and turned on her heel. 

“Man, Sakura’s so lucky.  She beat me and Rin without even trying.”
Shirou’s face went bright red.

  “It’s definitely not like that!”
Ayako just laughed as she ran off.


“You’re too tense,” Shirou said as he adjusted the posture of one of the freshmen. 

“You’ll never hit the target if you’re wound up like that.  Take a deep breath and let yourself relax.  Then let yourself focus on the target and the arrow.  If you’re trying too hard, it won’t work.”The girl, who barely came up to his shoulders, blushed rosily as he moved her hands.

  “Y-yes sempai.”  She swallowed hard and looked down range, focusing on the target and letting her shoulders loosen up a bit.

Off to one side, Ayako leaned against the wall.  “The hell…” she muttered. 

“He shows up once and suddenly he’s super popular.”  She sighed and took a drink from a water bottle.

  “If it was anyone other than Shirou, I’d think he was trying to be suave.”

“Shirou just likes helping people,”
Sakura said, setting her bow aside and wiping her forehead gently.

“Yeah.  But you might to watch out.  Otherwise half the club might decide they want a piece.”

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