Chapter-{12) ( Lemon)

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Shielder landed almost silently on the front steps of the church.

  For a knight wearing a full suit of armor and carrying a shield as big as her body, she was remarkably light on her feet.  She knocked twice to announce her arrival then stepped inside out of the cold. 

“Mistress, Father Kotomine,” she said, bowing her head slightly to the two already waiting inside. 

“I followed them as instructed.”

“What happened?” Caren asked.  “We could feel something even all the way out here.”

“It seems that the Einzbern master was waiting for them,” Shielder said. 

“She ambushed them on their way back to the boy’s house and they ended up fighting.  It seems the Einzbern family has summoned a truly frightening Berserker.”

“Frightening how?” Caren asked, more curious than worried.

“She fought with physical powers of even the mightiest Berserkers, but she still had the skill of a master swordsman.  Even from the distance I was at, I could feel her power.  And she managed to fight Saber to a near draw.  And then there’s her Noble Phantasm…”

“She used it?” Kirei interrupted. 

“That seems careless.  The Einzberns have been known for playing carefully and using dirty tactics.  Such a direct attack is odd for their representative.”

“I… can’t be completely certain,” Shielder admitted. 

“But she was able to produce some sort of copies that fought with different weapons, but equal skill.  They managed to keep both of the girls’ servants locked down rather effectively, though I wasn’t able to get close enough to see the details of the fights.  It must be her Phantasm, but it’s not anything I’m familiar with without more information.  Even the Grail’s knowledge only goes so far.”

“I see.”  Kirei crossed his hands, clearly deep in thought.

  “We’ll let them continue like this for a little while longer.  If this Berserker is as strong as she appears, she’ll be easier to deal with if we let the other masters handle the bulk of the fighting.  I’ll have Bazett handle the majority of the reconnaissance from here on out.  Thank you for your work tonight.”  With that, the priest turned and left without another word.

“What a boring person,” Caren said with a sigh.

  “He spends so much time avoiding me.  I really thought he might be entertaining too…”

“There’s one more thing,” Shielder said. 

“I’ve managed to figure out Saber’s identity.”

“So quickly?  Interesting~”  Caren grinned. 

“Alright, so who is our mysterious warrior in blue?”

“My former liege.”

Caren said nothing for a moment then burst out laughing.  “That little girl is King Arthur?”

“I was suspicious the moment I saw her, but the moment she revealed her sword, I was certain.  There’s only one Excalibur and no one who served under our king could ever mistake it for something else.”

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