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Chapter 6


Shirou Emiya stirred, his eyes slowly opening to the pale morning light. 

“Huh?”  He raised a hand to shield them for a moment before he realized where he was.

“Oh, good morning, Sakura.”

“Good morning Senpai,” Sakura said with a smile.

“I’m sorry, I guess I slept in.”  Shirou sat up, yawning and stretching to work out the kinks in his back.  He really needed to stop falling asleep in his workshop. 

“You shouldn’t have to wake me up like this.”
“Oh, it’s no trouble,” Sakura said.  “I don’t have to wake you up very often.  You’re usually up before I am anyway…”

Shirou chuckled.  “Yeah.  Still, I think I like having you wake me up more.  When Fuji-nee does it, she just hits me.”

Sakura’s cheeks colored slightly. 

“Please, don’t mention it.”

Shirou chuckled.  “Alright, alright.  Just let me change my clothes and I’ll get started on breakfast.”

“I can help with the cooking,” Sakura said.  “What are you making?  I’ll start getting things ready.”

“Don’t trouble yourself.  I can do it.”  Shirou stood up, stretching again and rubbing the sand from his eyes.

“Oh no,” Sakura said.  “You’ve already lent me one of your rooms, the least I can do is help around the house where I can.”

“You’re my friend Sakura.  I’m not going to ask you to work for a place to sleep at night.”

Sakura blushed again, but Shirou didn’t notice, as always.  “Please, I don’t want to feel like I’m being a burden on anyone…”

Shirou smiled.  “Well, then could you get out some eggs and rice?  I think an omelet with white rice would be good this morning.  Something to warm us up.”

Sakura smiled brightly.  “I’ll take care of it senpai.”

Ten minutes later, Shirou walked back in to the kitchen to find the stove already started and Sakura wearing an apron over the rest of her clothes.

  “Oh, you already got started.”  He quickly grabbed a second apron and tied it behind his back.

“Well, it wasn’t really much to do…”  Sakura looked down, like she was expecting to be scolded.

Shirou smiled.  “It’s fine.  Let’s start the rice first…”

As the two teenagers prepared breakfast together, an unseen third party hovered just behind them, her eyes firmly on the pair’s backs

.  Rider smiled as she watched Sakura and Shirou working together.  Sakura took instruction without a word of complaint, but her eyes lit up every time Shirou reached over to show her how to do something, their hands occasionally brushing against one another when they reached for the same utensil.

  ”I can’t tell if Shirou is the smoothest operator since Zeus, or if he’s just that nice and that oblivious at the same time.”  Rider sighed as the smell a perfectly cooked meal drifted to her nose.

  She was extremely glad that Shirou couldn’t hear her as her stomach rumbled.  ”I wonder if it tastes as good as it smells…”

Her thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of the infamous tiger of Fuyuki.  “Shirou!  I’m here for breakfast!”

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