Incorrect Quotes III

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The following quotes were inspired by the video above ^

Sakura: I have no idea how to play poker.

Sakura: I sure can't wait to.. do some poker!

Ming: Alright wise guy, raise a fold.

Sakura: *pulls out an Uno card* 

Everyone else: ? ? ?

Ming: w h a t?

Sakura: Go. Fish.

Ming: Do you not know how to play poker? 

Sakura: Do you?

Ming: Yes...  You go fish

Ivan: Do you not know how to play poker, boss?

Ming: Shut up Ivan, you don't even know how to drink

Ivan: You don't know me!

*proceeds to let vodka dribble out of his mouth*

Ming: Right... does anyone else here not know how to play poker?

Li: *rolls dice*

Li: Six.

Rickey: Is that even how you play poker!?

Li: Shut up Rickey, you don't even know how to breath.

Rickey: Uh, well, don't tell everyone!!

*faceplants dead on table*

Sakura: Wow, uhh, does anyone know CPR?

Ivan: Da! You put gun on table-

Li: ...That's Russian Roulette

Ivan: -hold it up to your head-

Sakura: *very nervous* definitely Russian Roulette!

Ivan: -and you pull the trigger!


*gun does nothing*

*click* *click*

Li: Stop playing Russian Roulette you idiot!

Ivan: You are idiot!

Li: You can't even come up with an original insult!

Ivan: You are original insult!

Li: Do you want me to use my knife!?

Ivan: You don't even know how!

Li: Yes I-!

*stabs herself*

Li: oh

*falls dead on the ground*

Sakura: *extremely nervous* maybe we should play something else-

Ivan: I know game!

*picks up gun*

*puts gun to head*

*pulls the trigger*


Sakura and Ming: wtf-?

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