Poisonous Youth

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First request! Requested by Thepassingoftime55  

"Stupid Cross...he knows I hate border patrol," Killer grumbled spitefully. They were playing truth or dare earlier and Cross had dared him to try Horror's duty--patrolling the grounds of the AU they lived in. It was dumb in his opinion. Just walking around the castle to try and "protect from intruders". Yeah right, who can even get in he-


What the- It's like the universe just loves proving me wrong!

Killer started towards the voice he heard. It sounded like a child's voice.

"Please? I-is anybody there!?" Killer heard the voice again. Finally, he turned a corner and found a child laying against a tree. A... human child!

"What the hell!? Who are you!?" Killer exclaimed, shoving the kid against the tree and holding a knife to their throat.

"Please don't hurt me! What did I do wrong!? What did I do wrong!?" the child cried. Tears started falling down their face, but they weren't loud. They just let the tears silently fall down their face, begging Killer for an answer. 

Killer was stunned by this reaction. Finally, he let the child go. They slumped down the tree, sitting on the ground with their knees to their chest.

"Ok. First off, I'm Killer. He/him. I work for Nightmare. He's a big goopy guy, lord of the manor. It spreads negativity and takes care of misfits. We're all monsters, most of us skeletons from different AUs. Second, who are you and where the hell did you come from?"

"I-I'm... Not sure! I don't know who I am! I- I just got here! I r-remember..."

-----'Child's' POV-----

"She's old enough." 

I recognized that voice, I know it. But I just can't place it.

"We need to get rid of her now, we can't have her in this house!"

"But, ☝︎♓︎♋︎■︎♋︎, what if she comes back to curse us!?"

I- I can't make it out!

"Then we'll deal with her then. Come on, ✌︎■︎♑︎♓︎♏︎"

Th-they're throwing me out! No... no, DON'T-


I could feel tears flowing down my face and a hand shaking my shoulder.

"Kid!? Kid, what the hell!?" Killer exclaimed.

"I- I'm sorry I just-" 

"It's... fine, kid. You should come with me, I can clean you up," he offered. I just nodded.

He backed up from the tree, allowing me room to move. I started following behind him. Bits and pieces of memories swirled around in my head, but I couldn't place many of them. I... remember this woman named Nightshade. She was a skeleton, like Killer... I think. She found me and she taught me something I can't remember...

I was so deep in my thoughts, I barely noticed when Killer came to a stop. I lightly bumped into him, immediately reeling backwards. I muttered a muted apology.

"'S okay, kid," he mumbled.

I look past Killer, gaping at the sight before me. It was a large castle (mansion? ...castle-mansion. Cansion.) covered in rose bushes, silvery vines, and... holy crap, are those moonberries!? The castle itself was black with midnight blue and gold accents. It was gorgeous if not kind of gothic. 

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