50 Cats and Counting

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"Mickey, I swear to god if you knock down another bowl-" Sadie gritted. But she was too late.
"MROWWW!" A piercing yowl was let out by Aurora as she watched her food go tumbling off the counter. Mickey sat on the counter with his signature smile. It looked almost human--and slightly creepy. Oh, was Sadie mad.
"Son of a bitch..." she cursed.
You see, Sadie was a shopkeeper. Of sorts. She watched the cats at a shelter. However, she grew attached to them. They weren't for taking anymore. She just watched them and sort of kept them. The only reason she kept them here was because she couldn't take 50 cats to her tiny apartment flat. Especially 42 problematic assholes. Working at the shelter was also partly an excuse so that it was easier to feed the little buggers. They were 50 little fluff ball shits. But, she loved them. 


As Sadie was cleaning a spilled water bowl off the floor, she heard the door open.

Odd. People rarely ever come here.

She came up from behind the counter and saw a man standing in front of her. Surprised, she immediately reeled backwards. But as she looked at the man more, she recognized him...

"Marcos!?" she exclaimed. The man in front of her smiled.

"Hola amigo. Long time no see, huh?" he replied. Sadie ran from behind the counter and hugged Marcos.

"Why didn't you call me!?" she squealed. Marcos had been Sadie's friend since 3rd grade. When Marcos moved back to his home country, she was devastated. But now, here he is! As she backed up, she saw two bags in his hand.

"What's that?" she asked, being the naturally nosy person she was.

"Ah, well, I heard that you were running this little place and you were taking care of the cats here so I was wondering if you'd want to take in two more?" he asked cautiously. Sadie stared at him for a moment, and then a smile broke on her face. She slightly hugged Marcos again and then motioned for him to put the cats on the counter. He did so, and when he did, Sadie took a look inside.

The first cat was a Ragdoll. As Sadie took the cat out of the carrier, she noticed he was slightly larger than most of the other cats, but not as big as Aurora.

"Hmm..." she mused. He looked like a male. Sadie set him down on the counter and went to examine the next cat.

This one looked like a Chartreux. As she examined the cat further, she discovered her to be a female. Just as she finished with the cat, she heard a small crash come from the back room.

"Oh no," she groaned. Please don't be Mickey. She hoped. As she went into the backroom, she discovered the new cat, the ragdoll, had found its way back here. And was now wearing one of Sadie's model cowboy hats. She paused for a moment and then burst out laughing. When she calmed down, she picked up the cat and brought him back to the main room.

"I'll call you Rickey," she smiled.

When she made back to the front room, she placed Rickey on the counter.

"And I'll call you LuLu!" she said to the female cat.

"Marcos, where did you get this one?" she asked, turning to her friend. It was weird for him to bring in the Chartreux, and especially in this condition, if he had just found her on the streets.

"Oh, this one Francis gave me. He said that he did not have room anymore," Marcos responded.

Sadie turned back to LuLu and said, "Alrighty then! Looks like I have two new little fur balls!"

So, I know this isn't historically accurate, considering she got the Texas and Louisiana representors after Alaska's but shut up, it's fiction, I can do what I want. UvU

XD jk jk

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