In-Flight Friend

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I made this short story for an ELA assignment, and I am extremely proud of it.

I just sort of made up the names Mary and Lucy, they don't particularly mean anything.

"Mary, come sit down. We need to talk."

Oh no. Whenever Mom said that, I knew that something was very, majorly wrong. She might as well have said, "Mary, come sit down. I'm going to ruin your entire week." Then again, I would never sit down and talk with her. The last time we "talked", our trip to France had to be canceled. The time before that, Dad had to go on a business trip.

I look at my Mom for a brief moment and hesitantly sit on the couch. As I sit down, Mom lowers her head, allowing a curtain of hair to fall over her face. When she raises her head again, she looks at me. She looks upset. Oh, this can not be good, I think.

Mom takes a breath and then says, "Honey, we... your dad is getting a new job and it requires us to move... out of the country. To Germany, to be exact,"

It takes me a moment to register what she just said. We're moving to Germany. The words finally click.

"WHAT!?" I yell. My head starts to spin at 100 miles per hour and my eyes start to water. I grip the arm of the couch, wishing the cushions would swallow me whole.

"B-but what a-about... my friends?" I ask, barely above a whisper. Mom looks at me with what I call her "oh poor baby" stare.

"You can call them or send them letters," she volunteers. A slight smile tugs at her lips as she tries to lighten the mood. "We'll leave in August so you'll have plenty of time to say goodbye and get their phone numbers,"


Two months later

It's been a busy couple of months. I've been packing up my stuff and finishing up the school year, as well as saying goodbyes to my friends. I am kind of excited to move so far away, but on the other hand, it'll be so different. But, maybe the change will be good for me.

One month later

Change is not good! This whole thing is stupid! I hate moving in general, but this is ten times worse! I look around at the house to see bare walls and empty shelves. When I walked outside earlier this morning, even the weather seemed to be disappointed, as large raindrops fell onto the pavement. Many of the suitcases are in the trunk of our rental car, but some are in the back-seat with me, squishing me to the window side. The car is mostly silent, except for the radio softly playing some jazz song.

I don't want to leave my friends, I don't want to leave my family. But I don't really have a choice.

"Hey, at least we'll be closer to great traveling spots!" Mom points out in a futile attempt to lighten the mood. I don't respond and instead continue to listen to the pitter patter of the rain against the car window.

Two and a Half Hours Later

It's been over two hours and we're finally ready to board the plane, thankfully. The airport was dull and I was saving the battery on my phone for the plane trip which, by the way, is supposed to be ten hours. At least there will be movies.

"Now boarding. Gate 26B. Now boarding. Gate 26B," the announcement system blares. I guess that's us. My Mom gets up first, a small suitcase in tow. I get up next, tossing my backpack over my shoulder. As we get to the front of the line, a lady asks my Mom to see our tickets. She hands them to her and the ticket lady scans them before handing them back. She gives us a smile and a small 'thank you for flying with us' before we enter "the tunnel", as I like to call it.

"Welcome aboard! Enjoy your flight!" the flight crew greets us as we enter the plane. "Enjoy your flight!"

Yes, enjoy my months of torture to come, my mind sarcastically bites back. Mom and I walk down the aisle for a bit, until Mom finds two empty seats. She puts her bags in the overhead compartment, while I lay my backpack at my feet. We sit and settle down into our seats.

As soon as we sit, static comes over the airplane speakers before a voice comes over. "Good afternoon, this is your pilot speaking, I hope you enjoy your flight. This flight will last ten hours, so use the in-flight entertainment and try and get some rest, folks," he says as the speaker fades out. But no sooner than it's off, does it crackle to life again, "Excuse me, but this flight is also a little bit crowded, so some of you are going to have to sit with strangers. I understand that may be uncomfortable, but these people have already paid for their tickets, just like you," he adds.

Five Minutes Later

Everyone on the flight seems to be situated. I've buckled my 'flight-belt', as they have been dubbed, and sit back in my seat. I take a piece of spearmint gum from my backpack and enjoy the cooling mint taste as I chew it. Thankfully, no one else seems to be sitting with us.

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?"

I spoke too soon. I turn to the side, half-hoping that the voice was meant for someone else. But when I turn my head, I notice a girl about my age standing in the aisle. She had long brown hair and blue eyes and a pair of silver teardrop earrings hung from her ears.

"Nope," I answer, inwardly cursing myself for jinxing the peace. The girl smiles and sits down.

"My name's Lucy, what's yours?" she asks. I quietly groan before answering.

"My names Mary," I begrudgingly state.

"Why are you going to Germany?" she asks, attempting to break the ice I wasn't sure I wanted broken.

"I'm moving there," I state before hesitantly adding, "What about you?"

"Oh, I'm moving there too! My Mom just got a new job. She's in the military!" Lucy's energy was starting to rub off on me, just a little bit. I crack a smile as Lucy keeps talking. She asks me questions a couple times and I input short answers before she keeps on. I guess I don't mind. I need someone to talk to--or listen to--for a little bit since my Mom was already passed out.

I listen to Lucy's enthusiastic jabber until she falls asleep. Meanwhile, the lights had been put out and almost everyone else was asleep. I find myself drifting into the lands of unconsciousness.

Four and a Half Hours Later

"Alright everyone, we have arrived in Germany! The plane will be landing soon, so please take your seats," the pilot announces over the speakers, startling me awake. I notice my Mom was awake to my right, scrolling through the news on her phone. I don't need to turn to my left to know that Lucy was still asleep, noted by the soft snores. I shove my phone in my backpack and stash the snacks they had given us in my bag, too. I fish around and find another piece of gum as well. No sooner did I pop the piece of gum in my mouth than the plane hit the runway. This commotion definitely woke Lucy as I felt a hand hit my shoulder. I turned and saw her slumped over, shoving a book in her bag.

"Welcome to Ramstein, enjoy your stay folks!"

An Hour Later

We made it! We're alive! If the long plane ride didn't kill us, I almost thought for certain the extensive customs would. But, nope! We're alive! Lucy and I have been walking and talking through the whole process. Apparently, this isn't her first time here. She was here with her father a year ago on a business trip, so she knows the area fairly well. Unfortunately, it's time to part. Mom and I have to leave for the hotel and Lucy has to find her Mom. Before she leaves, Lucy hands me a slip of paper with a smile.

"Call me!" she exclaims as she skips away.

I suppose this move won't be so bad...

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