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Anne convinces Marcy it's okay to stim :)))
TW for mentions of ableism!!


"Marcy, you've seemed on edge lately. And I haven't seen you stimming in like a week. What's up?" Anne asked, head on Marcy's desk as they waited for the school bell to ring.
"Anne, stop worrying! I just haven't needed to s-"
"Mar-mar," Anne interrupted her, eyebrow raised, "you and I both know that's not true. I've seen you twitching all day! And you normally stim all the time!"

Marcy winced at her words, clutching her side nervously. It was true- she had been suppressing the urge to stim for nearly a week now.

"C'mon, Marce. I'll buy you ice cream after school if you let me help, or at least tell me why" Anne grinned at her.
Marcy sighed and looked up at the clock. Two minutes until school ended. "Okay okay, fine. That's cruel though- you know I can't pass up ice cream!" She groaned, lightly punching Anne in the arm.

The two practically jumped out of their seats as the bell rang, slinging their backpacks across their shoulders. They began making their way to the ice cream shop just down the road from their middle school, Marcy fidgeting anxiously.

"Okay, what's up, Marce? You've been masking way more than usual lately. Don't get me wrong, I won't try to stop you, but its a little worrying" Anne questioned as they walked.

Marcy sighed, hesitant. "I don't know, I just- you know those guys who were bothering us a couple weeks back? Well, I guess they caught me stimming and laughed at me. They- they called me the r slur, and I dont know. It's dumb, I know, but it got to me I guess. I hear that kind of thing so often," she chuckled, "you'd think I'd be used to it by now, but it still hurts each time they say it. That's dumb though, right?"

Anne stopped walking, crushing Marcy in a hug.
"Marcy, youre not dumb- it's not a dumb thing to be upset about. Those jerks- I swear to God when I see them, they'll wish they hadn't bothered you in the first place!" Anne shouted, crossing her arms.

Marcy laughed a little, rocking on her heels.

"C'mon Marcy! I'll stim with you! Do it!" Anne grinned at her girlfriend.

Marcy waved her hands back and forth slightly, excitement growing as she did. She began to flap her hands wildly, giggling uncontrollably as she rocked on her heels and waved her arms. Anne laughed along with her, happy to see her finally letting out her pent up energy.

The two hurried the rest of the way to the ice cream shop, Marcy still grinning and flapping her hands beside Anne. Anne ordered herself a strawberry, and got mint chocolate chip for Marcy. Marcy always got mint chocolate chip. Not once had she ordered something different.

Marcy let out a yawn, dropping her head onto Anne's shoulders once she finished her ice cream. "Thanks Anne..." she murmured, barely audible. Anne smiled back and ruffled her girlfriend's hair happily.

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