No Matter What

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Whooo another request done for Dark-Torayoshi !!
Sashannarcy fluff and angst!
The girls are aged up slightly in this for the sake of plot/cause it takes place post-amphibia. They're like 16 or 17 ig?
And thanks for all the requests and votes!! It means a ton ily all <3


"I know you're upset, Marce, but I promise we just want to help. You can't keep acting like you're fine all the time when you clearly aren't" Sasha sighed from the driver's seat, pulling into a small parking lot.

Marcy pouted in the back seat, staring out the car window to avoid looking at Sasha or Anne. "I know, I know. Im just... scared, I guess."

Anne looked back at Marcy and smiled empathetically. "That's why we're here with you. We won't leave your side the whole time, okay?" She murmured. Marcy simply nodded, opening the car door with shaky hands. The three made their way into the brick building, Marcy finding herself somewhat intrigued by the decor. Unlike most therapist or psychiatrist offices she'd been to in the past, this one was decorated to provide a very calming atmosphere. Rather than white walls and tile flooring, the small waiting room had dim fairy lights, wood flooring with a fluffy carpet in the center, and multiple paintings hung on the walls.

Sasha and Anne followed Marcy to a couch in the corner after signing in. For a while, the atmosphere had managed to ease some of Marcy's nerves, but it was short lived. As the minutes passed, her anxiety grew. She looked up at Anne to say something, but couldn't force the words out of her mouth. Thankfully, Anne seemed to understand, and laced their hands together with a soft smile. With a nudge from Anne, Sasha took Marcy's other hand in her own.

After what felt like hours, a young woman called them back. Marcy grasped her girlfriend's hands tightly as they were lead down a long hallway and into a room that was just as cozy as the previous one.

"So, you're Marcy, correct?"

She got a stiff nod in response.

"And you two?"

"I'm Anne, and that's Sasha. It's okay that we came too, right?"

The psychiatrist nodded with a smile. "Of course! Nothing wrong with a little moral support, I understand how nervewracking this can be. I presume you are Marcy's..."

"Girlfriends." Sasha answered quickly, Marcy almost laughing at how proudly she said it.

"Well, I'm glad you both were able to come along as well. Is it okay if I ask some questions now, Marcy?"

Marcy nodded once more, focusing her attention on the floor.

After around thirty minutes of questions (very annoying, personal questions, Marcy might add), she was handed a few pieces of paper and a clipboard. "If you could just fill these out, that would we great", she was told.

She read each question on the paper and checked some of the little boxes next to them before handing the papers back with a sigh of relief. Just a few more minutes before they could go home, and she could make Sasha and Anne play Vagabondia Chronicals with her. Marcy yawned and laid her head on Anne's shoulder as she watched the psychiatrist look over the papers.

Minutes went by until she finally spoke. "You meet most of the the requirements for autism, as well as PTSD and Depression. If you'd like, we can schedule another session to talk about treatment for the depression and PTSD, and anything else you'd like to talk about. It's 100 percent up to you." She said kindly.

Marcy paused, shocked, and began to fidget nervously in her seat. "I, uh. Can I think about it? I'm sorry,  I'm just-"

"Don't worry about it at all. I'll give you a few weeks, and you can call or email me of you decide. I'll follow up with you in a month or two to make sure."

Marcy nodded swiftly, already standing from her seat. "That's great, thank you. I'm gonna uh- Sash, can you sign us out? Sorry, um, I'm gonna head to the car. I'm sorry-" her voice trembled as she spoke, hurrying out of the room. Anne rushed after her, as Sasha said another 'thank you' to the psychiatrist and finished signing them out before heading to where they parked.

"Marbles?" Sasha opened the car door and got in next to Anne and Marcy. "You wanna talk? About any of it?"

Marcy buried her head in her hands, wiping away tears with her hoodie sleeve. "I'm not bothered by the autism part. I pretty much already knew I was autistic, and it's not like that's a bad thing. I'm just- I knew amphibia had messed me up- God, it messed all of us up. I just didn't expect a diagnosis like that. PTSD, depression. I'm scared. What if I do decide to take meds, or get therapy or whatever, and it doesn't help? What if it makes it worse?"

"Woah, hey, slow down Marce. You're getting wrapped up in your thoughts", Anne reassured. "You don't have to decide or think about any of that right now. That appointment was probably incredibly exhausting as it is- you don't need to do anything else. We can go home, make hot cocoa, and play whatever game or watch whatever show you want. You can keep talking about this if you want, too. Just don't think about all the what-ifs, we'll deal with that later."

Marcy sniffed and pulled her head from her hands, inhaling deeply. "Okay, yeah, that... that sounds good," she whispered. "I just wasn't really expecting that. I knew it was bad, but I didn't know it was serious like that."

"We're right here with you Mar-Mar. I promise, we'll both be here for whatever you need." Sasha smiled softly and ruffled Marcy's hair as Anne nodded.

Marcy engulfed them all in a tight hug, trying not to cry again. "Can we cuddle when we get back? And play Vagabondia Chronicles?"

"Was already planning on it, you nerd" Sasha smirked. Marcy smiled and rested her head against the car window as Sasha started up the car. Whatever happened, Anne and Sasha would be there with her. No matter what.

OKOK JUST TO CLARIFY IN CASE I DIDNT MAKE IT CLEAR: I'm not trying to make it seem like autism is something like depression that needs to be cured or smth!! I understand it can maybe sound like that since I grouped all that together. But that wasn't my intention and I hope I made it clear enough (:
And! I hope you're all doing ok!! drink some water n have a snack!! Get some sleep if you haven't yet. AND TAKE CARE OF URSELF <33 ILY

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