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More Little Marcy bc you guys liked the last one.
Reminder that requests are still open! (And I'm still working on one or two at the moment. I swear I'll get those done soon).
This takes place before True Colors


Marcy zoned out in her chair as the king rambled on about plans for a new bridge. General Yunan and Lady Olivia were there as well, but Marcy was the one who was really supposed to be paying attention. She was trying her hardest to listen, but nothing Andrias said was making sense. She was understanding it at first, but somewhere throughout the meeting, she had started regressing, leaving her confused.

Her mind was fighting with itself, trying to stay big just until the meeting was over. However, she also knew that was practically impossible- the meeting seemed to be nowhere near over, and the thought of curling up on the couch with her stuffed animals sounded incredible.

"What do you think?"

Marcy sat upright immediately, processing the king's words. She pointed to herself in confusion. "Me?"

He nodded, waiting patiently for a response.

"Mm... dunno. 'M sleepy." Marcy replied. She turned to Yunan and giggled, swinging her legs happily.

Yunan looked at Marcy, then to Olivia, then looked back at the king nervously. "King Andrias, I hate to interrupt, but Master Marcy doesn't appear to be in the right... state of mind, so to speak, for a meeting." She said, watching as Marcy fidgeted in her seat.

Andrias hesitated for a moment and watched the younger girl, who looked up at him with wide eyes, giggling to herself. He sighed and nodded. "I suppose you're right. Well, no worries. I can work on the plans for today, and we can reschedule the meeting for another time."

Yunan and Olivia both sighed with relief.

"Well, I have work to attend to now, so I will be seeing you all later to discuss the plans once more" Andrias added.

"Bye-bye!" Marcy exclaimed happily as Yunan lifted her onto her shoulders. Andrias waved back with a smile as the three left the room.

"For frog's sake, kid, you have the worst timing ever", Yunan sighed dramatically. Olivia punched her lightly in the arm with a glare.

"Sorry, sorry!" Yunan raised her arms up in defense.

Olivia ignored her, looking at Marcy. "Do you know how old you are?" She asked softly. Marcy proudly held out three fingers in response while Yunan set her down on the couch.

"Color?" Marcy asked excitedly, bouncing in her seat.

"You want to color? Why don't you have Yunan help you, and I'll fix us lunch." Olivia responded.

She nodded rapidly, already rushing up the stairs to grab her crayons and coloring books. "Don't fall!" Yunan shouted. She was met with a loud thump from upstairs, despite what she just said.

"I'm okay!" Marcy shouted back, grabbing her things and rushing back down. Yunan laughed with relief at the kid's lack of care. Marcy sat down on the floor and began to lay her stuffed animals out around her , dumping out her crayons and opening a coloring book. She stuck her tongue out in concentration, being as careful as possible to color inside the lines. Yunan tried to look at what she was coloring, but every time she did, Marcy would yank her drawing away and pout.

After a good fifteen minutes, Marcy looked up from her drawing, ripping it out and hiding it behind her back. "Momma! For you!" She beamed, holding the drawing out to Yunan. Yunan took it in her hands with a grin, ruffling Marcy's hair. "Wow! This looks awesome, thanks kid!"

Marcy smiled even wider, hopping onto the couch and snuggling into Yunan.

Olivia entered the room with lunch, taking a seat on the other side of Marcy.

"Look what I made!" Marcy said excitedly, signaling for Yunan to show her drawing to Olivia. Olivia took the drawing, looking over it proudly. "It looks wonderful, Marcy. I think this one deserves to be hung up, what do you think?"

Marcy giggled and nodded, handing the drawing back to Yunan and yawning.

"Uh oh, looks like someone's sleepy" Yunan teased. Marcy cuddled further into the couch with a pout, but didn't deny the statement. Olivia covered her with a blanket and turned on the TV as background noise, watching fondly as Marcy leaned against Yunan, slipping off to sleep.


I had no idea what I was doing w this one, I just wrote whatever came into my head. I can't tell if I like it or not.
ALSO!! Exam week starts tomorrow, which means I probably won't be writing as much. I have winter break right after tho!! (:

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