Chapter 22

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Wooooo request for @Luzthegayotter

This is kinda rly lazy sorry 😭 and I couldn't come up w a title


Trying to rush Marcy when she was in 'the zone' was nearly impossible. Even with how quickly the sky was darkening, dark gray clouds moving to cover the sun, she refused to pick up her pace, either unaware or unbothered by the threat of rain.

"Marce, we are literally about to be at an arcade. What's the point of playing games on the way there?" Anne huffed, hand in hand with Sasha as they walked. Marcy chose to trail behind them, instead using both hands to control the game on her phone.

"I'm about to beat the boss, Anne! I need to do this right now! Besides, I'll get off my phone when we get there."

"Okay, but I'm telling you, you're gonna run into something."

"And I'll laugh if you do", Sasha added. Marcy didn't so much as blink at her response, eyebrows creasing as she focused on the game.

Just as they reached the entrance to the arcade, Marcy let out a cheer of victory, startling her friends.

"Told you I'd beat it", she said smugly, pocketing her phone and rushing up alongside Anne. They hurried to trade in their money for coins before spreading out to play the games they each preferred.

Marcy immediately went to Galaga. Sasha always laughed at her for her extreme interest in the game, although her own favorite was Donkey-Kong. (Out of every game one could pick, why Donkey-Kong? Marcy thought it was dumb, but occasionally played with Sasha just for the satisfaction of beating her at her own favorite.)

Anne preferred Frogger over any of the other games, which was... very predictable. Not even Marcy could beat her at it, she played so often and so competitively. Her name had held top score on the game's leaderboard for months on end.

Marcy was happy to continue playing Galaga and whatever other games she found entertaining while the other two played their own games, shouting out to one another when they won or got a significant amount of tickets.

Marcy looked up from her game upon hearing the sound of rain against the roof of the building. Smiling softly, she hurried over to a window to watch as raindrops darkened the sidewalk outside.

The rain was always a big source of comfort for her. Of course, when she was in it, it was a different story. But from indoors? It never failed to bring her mood up.

As the rain continued on, her brain felt more and more fuzzy, like static. A good static. Maybe she'd already felt like this and hadn't noticed it, or maybe the rain and being with her friends was enough to bring it on. Either way, it was nice.

It was often an unwelcome feeling, but standing in the quiet arcade with nobody else but Anne and Sasha, it was oddly pleasant. She decided it wouldn't hurt to welcome the feeling this time.

Marcy wasn't sure how long she'd been there, but at some point she'd sat down on the floor of the arcade, watching with childlike fascination as the raindrops ran down the windows. And even as the rain subsided, the fuzziness remained.

She decided she'd find another game to play, seeing as there wasn't any more rain to watch.

Marcy wandered around for a moment before spotting Anne, who was in the middle of a conversation with Sasha. The two paused when they saw her, smiling.

"Marcy! The rain stopped, so we figured we'd go ahead and go before it starts again. Sash said it's gonna pick back up", Anne called, making her way over.

Marcy froze. She hadn't found another game to play yet! She wasn't done!

She stuck out her tongue and dashed off in the opposite direction, immediately looking for a place to hide. If they couldn't find her, they'd have to stay! Then she could keep playing for as long as she wanted.

Marcy turned a corner and came face to face with two ticket machines. In between them was a small crevice, just big enough for her to fit.

With a giggle, she squeezed into her hiding place, kicking her legs in excitement.

She could hear Anne's voice coming closer, and she had to cover her mouth to smother another giggle. Turned out it didn't work well enough as she made eye contact with Anne, who appeared to be trying to hold in a laugh as well.

Marcy squeaked in surprise and shoved her way out from between the machines, taking off toward the back of the building, leaving a confused Anne and Sasha.

"How long do you think she's going to do this?" Sasha said, not bothering to hide the amusement in her tone.

"Assuming she's probably got the mindset of a toddler right now? We'll be here forever. We're doomed", Anne sighed. "You go that way, I'll stay over here."

Sasha nodded and set off toward the back. She weaved her way through each aisle of games without luck, eventually deciding to head back to the front. She stopped when she caught a glimpse of black hair next to the prize counter and sighed, silently making her way over.


Marcy squealed and tried to run in the opposite direction again, but Anne blocked her path. Unsure of how to escape, Marcy froze, accidentally giving Anne just enough time to scoop her into a tight hug.

Marcy whined and looked to Sasha for help, but was instead met with a disapproving glare. "Mars, we'll get caught in the rain if we leave any later. Wouldn't you rather play at Anne's house?"

"Noooo, wanna play here!"

"But Mars, Sasha will give you a piggyback ride home if we go right now!" Anne exclaimed.

"What?! I did not agree to that!" Sasha hissed. Anne shut her up with a glare.

"And you can read me extra stories at bedtime?" Marcy pleaded with Anne.

"One. One extra story."


"Fine, two, but no more!"

Marcy clapped her hands in victory and rushed over to Sasha to be picked up.

The trio finally made it out of the arcade with sighs of relief, Marcy practically falling asleep as Sasha carried her.

"And ice cream for dinner too?" She mumbled sleepily.

"Absolutely not."


Again I'm sorry this is so lazy 😭 tbh I didn't even think I'd get another oneshot out before August


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