Dance with Me

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I'm just gonna pretend the previous amphibia episode didn't happen cus I TOTALLY didn't cry my eyes out /s.

This was inspired by the song Dance with Me by Beabadoobee!! It's such a sweet song :,((

*Throws my Sasharcy brainrot at u and runs*



"It'll be fine, Marce! I know these people! Besides, if it gets to be too much, just let me know and we'll leave. Alright?"

Marcy clutched Sasha's hand tightly in her own and nodded wordlessly, scooting closer to her side as the noise of the party gradually grew louder and louder.

The two stood in awe at the entrance of the house- which looked more like a mansion, in Marcy's opinion. It was incredibly intimidating, although it seemed the opposite for Sasha, who waltzed right through the door, dragging Marcy along with her.

Alarm bells went off in Marcy's head the moment they stepped inside. It was exactly how she'd expected a high school party to be.

The air reeked of alcohol. The music was too loud, the lights were too bright, there were way too many people- all of which were way too close for comfort. All of it was almost worse than what she'd been expecting.

She didn't understand the appeal of parties at all. But Sasha was invited, and Anne was stuck working a later shift with her parents, so... better to be at a party with Sasha than stuck at home with her parents.

Marcy squeezed Sasha's hand tighter, grasping at her arm, and they finally stopped walking so Sasha could catch up with some old "friends". Sasha didn't actually like these people, Marcy knew she didn't. She had come to the party to get away from her parents- the same reason Marcy had come.

That was something Marcy loved about hanging out with Sasha- she understood.

Of course, she could talk to Anne about her family issues, but Anne wouldn't understand it in the way Sasha would. Anne had always been extraordinarily close with her parents, and they had always taken care good care of her.

With Sasha, Marcy could talk about her jealousy. How she longed for parents like Anne's, how she wished her parents cared like that. In turn, Sasha could relate and rant about her family and childhood. It wasn't rare for either Marcy or Sasha to climb through one another's windows, sneaking in just to get away from their own home. It was nice, being able to have that mutual understanding of growing up in a bad household.

"Oops!" Some other teen next to Marcy bumped into her- way too hard for it to possibly be an accident- sending her stumbling. She barely managed to keep herself from falling to the floor, grunting in annoyance as she watched the other kid run off snickering.

Marcy inhaled deeply, trying to push away the urge to flap her hands, to rock, to just move-


Marcy lightly tugged at Sasha's sleeve.

"What's up, Marce?"

"Can we please go somewhere more... quiet?" Marcy whispered.

Sasha nodded almost instantly, and it made Marcy wonder if she was just as desperate to leave as herself.

Without saying anything, the two quietly slipped away from the group they had been previously talking to, grateful that their absence could go unnoticed due to the sheer amount of people in the room.

It took even longer than expected to find somewhere without dozens of people, but at last they found a room across the house, so far away that the blaring sound from the party was muffled.

Marcy finally unclenched her jaw and released a breath she hadn't known she was holding, sinking to the floor. Sasha sat down right next to her, hand intertwining with Marcy's once more.

"You didn't have to come", Sasha murmured, pulling Marcy closer.

"Meh, didn't wanna be home. I'd rather be with you, even if it's at a party."

Sasha smiled for a moment before frowning again, eyebrows furrowing. Marcy watched her expression change out of the corner of her eye and waited for her to begin talking again.

Silence settled between the two girls, each waiting for the other to say something. At last, they both said something, made incomprehensible when they tried to say it at the same time.

"You first", Sasha laughed. Marcy giggled to herself before frowning.

"I, um- I'm sorry for making you leave the party. But thank you", she sighed, absentmindedly tracing the lines on the palm of Sasha's hand.

"Are you kidding me? I wanted to leave! Trust me, I honestly didn't want to be here in the first place. I'm the one who should be sorry, for dragging you along with me. I know you don't like this kind of stuff", Sasha said, pausing. "But... the music is a lot quieter in here, yeah?"

Marcy nodded and tilted her head, watching with amusement as Sasha stood up and bowed.

"Well then, Marcy Wu, care to dance?"

Marcy snickered, but took Sasha's outstretched hand anyway. "You're such a dork. How are we even supposed to dance to, what, pop music?"

"Pfft, speak for yourself. And we can put on our own music, look." Sasha scrolled through her phone for a moment before clicking on a song, turning the volume up just enough to where the party outside was no longer audible.

Sasha pulled Marcy into her arms, twirling her in circles before pulling her back into her arms, giggling.

"Y'know, I'm actually sorta glad I came", Marcy sighed, resting her head against Sasha's shoulder.

"Really? Marcy Wu, enjoying a party? Unheard of!" Sasha gasped dramatically, putting a hand to her forehead.

"Oh, shut up. It's not like you like these things either", Marcy huffed. "...I'm only having fun 'cause of you, though."

"Yeah?" Sasha leaned closer, putting her forehead to Marcy's and smiling softly.


The music and muffled sounds of the party faded away, becoming nothing more than background noise. In the moment, it was just them- no party, no music, nobody else.

"I like you", Marcy whispered.

"I know that, nerd. We're dating."

"I know, I know. I just... God, like, I really like you. I love you."

Sasha looked taken aback and blushed, her face turning red before she relaxed once more, a smile on her face.

"Yeah... I really love you, too."


Didn't know where to end this and I got lazy so im sorry it's short ig? Idk. I also didn't proofread it so whoops sorry if there are mistakes

Just 20ish more days until summer break!! Then I can write more frequently.

And random question bc I like hearing people talk ab it. What are your favorite calamity trio ships in order from most to least fav?? Mine are Sashannarcy >>>> Sasharcy > Marcanne=Sashanne

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